Science of Mind Textbook Weekly Zoom Study Group with Rev. Mike Gerdes

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Date(s) - 06/14/2025
9:45 am - 11:00 am

New Science of Mind Saturday Book Study  ** Every Saturday **

You are invited to a journey through one the most powerful and influential spiritual books of our time, The Science of Mind. It reveals universal principles that apply to all people, at all times, and in all places which when applied, create for you, a wonderful life.

These Zoom study sessions began Saturday, June 15th, and continue every week after.  The actual meetings will run from 9:45 to 11:00 A.M. Eastern Time, with the “door” opening at 9:15 A.M. for those wish to attend “the meeting before the meeting.”

Everyone is welcome, there are no prerequisites, nor is there a charge; however, contributions are always welcome and appreciated.

If you are new to our teaching, this class is what you have been waiting for. If you have been in our teaching for some time, then this is that class that has been waiting for you to revisit and discover anew.

Required Book:  The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes (available on Amazon and other bookstores)

Join anytime; however, pre-registration is required.

==> Click here to register  **

===> Click here to make a Love Offering via credit or debit card.  To pay by check, make check payable to GPCSL and note it is for the SOM Textbook Study Group and mail to 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301.

**Upon registration, Rev., Mike will email you the Zoom meeting link, number, and password and class instructions.

Questions?  Don’t hesitate to email or phone Rev. Mike at or 760-828-7698

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