Today’s Prayer


There is one power and one presence called God.  It expresses Love, Peace Joy and Abundance.  It expresses within, throughout and about all people, places, events and things.

I am One with and inseparable from it.  It’s the sweetness of Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance. It drizzles over me like honey, always covering me in the warmth of it’s beingness.  It’s God.  As I am one with and inseparable from God, each person in our community, our extended community, and the greater human race are inseparable from God’s Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance.
I know that everyone moves into a greater awareness of oneness with the divine.  From this awareness, all good expresses.  I know that God lives, moves and expresses through our church community and the greater community of humanity.
I am grateful.  I am thankful.  I am peaceful, I am loving and I am abundant on so many levels and I release this to the law knowing it is done in mind and form and so it is.

Frank Mastoris, RScP