There is an intelligence at work within the seed (and the soil) that is greater than the seed, and it knows how to create more of itself from within itself. It is also safe to say that if this intelligence lives in a seed of corn, it must also exist within every living thing — including you. ~ Dennis Merritt Jones, The Art of Abundance, p. 47
Using the Creative Intelligence of this Universe to bring about higher consciousness, changed conditions, and superior situations, we not only become empowered to live a joyous life of freedom, but we also inspire others to step into their divine possibilities. There truly is “A Power for Good in the Universe,” greater than we are, and we are divinely designed to use It!
This Co-Creative Process is available to everyone, without exception, and the more intelligently we employ It, the more successful our lives become. It is delightful to work and play with those who have discovered how to use It, not only for themselves, but for the larger world. Think of our own Administrator, Linda O’Neill, a loving and powerful presence in our Center uses this Process to support all our activities with Grace and Wisdom. Let’s celebrate her tomorrow, “Administrative Professionals Day,” and feel thankful for the example she sets.
As we look forward to the beginning of May, we focus on “The Joy of Co-Creation” as our theme, and my Sunday talk will be, “Let’s Begin with Intelligence.” We live stream from the Inspiration Café at 10:30 A.M., and you can join us on our website by clicking on the orange button. Previous Celebrations and Love Notes Rev. Mike and I have recorded from our home are also posted there.
As students of the Science of Mind, we learn to use the Creative Intelligence in an effective and powerful way through classes, Sunday Celebrations, and spiritually motivating books. Still, we are sometimes in need of prayer support from one of our Practitioners, and they may be contacted on the Practitioner Page on our website. They are here to work with you in developing a greater understanding of our principles through the co-creative process of working together with a Practitioner of your choice.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine