June 9,2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

. . . the law works for all alike. We must accustom ourselves to the concept of the impersonalness of the law, the availability of the law, and the mechanical accuracy of the law.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 39

As we discover and use universal laws, we realize that they respond alike to anyone and everyone, regardless of age, experience, education, gender, or race.  Just as gravity ensures that an object will fall to the floor, whether dropped by a 2-year-old or a 92-year-old, so the Law of Cause and Effect will respond to whomever employs it.  Actually, this Law of Mind is at work continuously, and we are activating it both consciously and unconsciously by our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.  We can depend on it to produce in our outer world what the inwardly-held beliefs may be, uplifting ideas resulting in positive circumstances, and negative thoughts and feelings showing up in unhappy ways.

I call this Law, “An equal opportunity employee,” as it provides results as accurately as those of the gardener who plants seeds which produce after its own kind. The entire plant is contained in the seed and can be depended upon to grow exactly what is planted, whether by a seasoned farmer or a visiting grandchild.  Isn’t it wonderful to appreciate such a dependable system, especially in our current world of much uncertainty? It is as we shift our thoughts and feelings from upset, anxiety, or impatience to those of peace, harmony, and cooperation that our lives begin to show definite improvement.

Just as the Spirit nurtures, illuminates, and guides us, so the Law responds, produces, and fulfills us.  As Ernest Holmes so wisely suggested, “Court the Presence and Direct the Law.” As we deepen our connection to the Living God, we are lovingly guided to that which is ours to do each day, and, as we consciously utilize the Law for great and growing good, we actually influence the world around us in constructive ways.  Let’s continue to embrace our Practical Spirituality in ways that enhance our lives and bring about a healthier, more loving world.

We are having a wonderful time bringing you a live stream Celebration each Sunday morning at 10:30, just the very few of us in our Paoli sanctuary, and imagining your presence with us.  We connect to uplift each other in an hour of spiritual wellbeing and inspiration, and typically begin on time, with a musical prelude just before 10:30.  We did experience technical difficulties this Sunday past and finally got on line at 10:45. If this should ever occur again, PLEASE be patient and stay with us until we begin. Next Sunday will be the third we have enjoyed virtual “Hospitality Time,” on Zoom, following our morning Celebration. Details are given during the morning program. Loving thanks to our Producer, Jeff Masino, projectionist, Edie Janik, and moderator, Tina Richards.  This week’s topic is, “The Equal Opportunity Employee.”

Our “Love Notes” are filmed from our living room and placed on Facebook and You Tube. Rev. Mike and I enjoy alternating Monday through Saturday, and these may be accessed on our website: www.cslphilly.org.  You may also watch past weeks’ offerings. You’ll find contact information for our Practitioners, who continue to walk with you through these challenging times and help to keep the Vision high.

Do join us next Saturday evening, June 13th  7-8 PM for the GPCSL version of the “Match Game” on Zoom by sending an email to admin@cslphilly.com  to receive the access link.  We love having fun together (like “Bingo Nights” and “Picnics”) so let’s get together and laugh our sox off!

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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