November 2023 BoT Spot

Welcome to the November BoT Spot!

Gratitude is something we have talked a lot about lately. Personally, I have expanded my practice of gratitude having heard the theme of, “Be thankful for it ALL!” at GPCSL Sunday Celebration, Love Notes, and from other CSL Centers. It has been an interesting experiment for me to extend my practice of gratitude beyond the obvious and into experiences and people I don’t naturally feel gratitude for. Intellectually, I can understand that Good is in all, but to actually FEEL the gratitude deeply wasn’t coming easily when contemplating things that on the surface didn’t seem so great. I have felt my mind shift and my heart open this past month however while learning and practicing to “Be thankful for it ALL”.

For this and so much more, I appreciate our community and spiritual practice of Science of Mind. The idea that people can be given tools and support in awakening to their spiritual magnificence and creating lives filled with grace, prosperity, and good at every turn through engaging with GPCSL and Centers for Spiritual Living internationally, fills my heart with abundant joy…tearful joy.

So, yes, I want to thank you! Thanks to that small but mighty group of folks who met thirty years ago with a vision for the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living. Thanks to all who have come to our community since. Your presence in our community, taking classes, sharing your Sunday mornings with us, and supporting the Center financially, helps GPCSL thrive and attract others who can more fully live, love, and learn from a spirituality that works. I certainly have. Thank you.

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Annual Winter Solstice event. December 16th, at the United Church of Christ at Valley Forge in Wayne PA – Click here for more information. An evening of unity, learning about and honoring all paths, music, and tasty treats afterward!!! You may be tired of tasty treats at this particular moment, but I am pretty sure you would say “Yes please!!!” to the rest!!! It is a wonderfully uplifting experience and a great evening to invite your friends and family to! I hope to see you there!

In Gratitude for it All!

Edie Janik, GPCSL Board President

On Behalf of the Board of Trustees


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