Category Archives: Latest Blog Talk Radio

Aug. 22, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Observing our “messy” world and our personal challenges, it becomes too easy to point fingers at “them” or to expect a Deus ex machina to intervene and save us and the planet. Although we understand that we are the children of God, it seems time to grow in our spiritual awareness and become the adults of God, each a beautiful and capable individualization of the Divine. Certainly, we can rely completely on the wise, loving, Power of Spirit to guide and support us in our endeavors; yet, it is we who must begin the process through the intelligent use of this Infinite Mind.

It feels wonderfully empowering to realize the gift of choice we all are given, along with the sustaining Power of Spirit to fulfill our intentions. As we speak Truth to power, we find that truly, “One with God constitutes a complete majority.” Dynamic changes begin to occur the moment we shift our attention away from the negative appearances and affirm the Infinite Possibilities ready to be revealed in our world.

Indeed, now is the time for each of us to exercise our divine birthright to choose correctly the direction of our attention, setting powerful intentions to bring about what we have all prayed about. It is a joy to awaken to the Mighty, Moving Power within us, to take sweet responsibility for our consciousness, and to remember that each of us and all of us are “the ones we’ve been waiting for!”

Join us for another in-person Sunday Celebration at Inteprod in Eagleville, as we remember that, “It Really Does Start With Me.” If you cannot attend in person and wish to watch via our “Lovestream,” simply go to at 10:30 A.M. Eastern Time, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button. You may also look through the site and a number of events, delightful activities, and inspirational classes.

Although we continue learning how to change our lives for the better by employing our spiritual tools, there are times we are wise to contact one of our licensed practitioners to lend a spiritual hand. They are all listed on our Practitioner Page and will be glad to work with you, either in person or on the phone.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine


April 18, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

No external change may occur until a shift has taken place in the depth of our consciousness.  A desire for physical health and wellbeing begins with forming a mental equivalent of Wholeness within the mind and heart.  Likewise, our longing for a world of peace, harmony, equity, and abundance can only be fulfilled as we deepen our individual and collective awareness of the Infinite Possibilities that await our recognition of them.

It is wonderful to know that everything we can ever desire is already available and actually germinating within us, just as the oak tree is nascent within the acorn.  As our hearts and minds open to greater ideas and begin to create larger spiritual prototypes, our personal and global experiences become sweeter, more successful, and in perfect alignment with Truth.

As we work diligently and compassionately from the Center of all Possibility within our own hearts, we begin to see those inner changes creating grand and glorious external manifestations all around us. As we approach Earth Day, we find this inner work especially meaningful for our planet, as well as for all humanity. Supporting one another in our Beloved Community, that work becomes joyous and flourishing.

Our Sunday Celebration will be livestreamed this week from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, featuring Rev. Mike Gerdes, as he continues our month’s theme: “Inspiration,” and speaks on, “Be the Change; Cultivate Compassion.” Simply go to our website and click on the “Watch Now” button to join us for an uplifting hour. You may also choose to scroll through the site and find interesting events, classes, and archived Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes.

Although our challenges may at times seem large, or even overwhelming, we remember Ralph Waldo Emerson’s wise words, “There is no great and no small to the Soul that maketh all.” Another way to put this is, “God is bigger than that!”  You may wish to check out the Practitioner Page on our website and select one of our caring and well-trained Practitioners to assist you in opening to a Divine Solution for your human concerns.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine