Monthly Archives: April 2024

April 30, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Let’s delight in this last day of April, thankful for all we have experienced, the great gifts received, and the loving, nurturing Presence of Spirit that continues to show up in our lives. I am deeply grateful for the constant presence of Spirit’s guidance through all the recent events of my “extended stay” in Florida, the kindness and expert support of my medical team, the loving embrace of my family, and the beautiful work Rev. Mike, the Practitioners, and Board of Trustees continue to provide our Beloved Community.

The inspiring evidence of springtime is also blossoming in our hearts, as we continue to see the Work of Spirit everywhere and constantly bless and praise the beautiful Life Divine everywhere present.  One unexpected blessing I have received on this journey is the pleasure of actually being with my daughter on her birthday today. My gratitude for her overflows, as it does for all who are accompanying me on this excursion.

Let’s all continue loving and supporting one another, giving great thanks for the Presence and Activity of Spirit in all our experience, and remaining true to Principle in all our circumstances.  I give thanks for all of you and maintain my heart connection to all you beloveds.

Tune in this Sunday online for the Morning Celebration pre-recorded from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA by going to our website, and clicking on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. As we begin the month of May, our new theme will be, “Nourishing Each Other,” and Rev. Mike’s topic is, “Walking Each Other Home.” Look for more information about our philosophy, classes, activities, and events on our site.

Whenever you may have a temporary disconnect from Spirit, you may feel renewed in the Presence by contacting one of our Professional Licensed Practitioners listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Any of them will be glad to arrange an appointment for you, either in person or on the telephone.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine    

April 23, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Most of us have heard the expression, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans,” and I recently found that to be true, personally! While visiting my daughter and family in Florida last week, I had a surprise interaction with a hurricane glass sliding door that landed me on the patio floor with a hip fraction. Instead of returning home on Saturday, I had hip surgery, a number of stitches in my forehead, and am now recovering well in a nice rehabilitation facility.

Obviously, I did not return home in time for Sunday’s Celebration, and I am deeply grateful for Rev. Mike and the team of Practitioners and Board members who worked beautifully together to bring us a wonderful Sunday. I had the pleasure of watching from my hospital bed! We all have reason to feel great appreciation for the caring, creative, dedicated people who keep the Core of our Community working smoothly.

I am so thankful for Life and for the Divine Wisdom that continues to direct the whole process, both my personal healing and the forward progress of our Beloved Community. I am peaceful, flexible, and quietly determined to do all my physical therapy that will enable me to return home at the right and perfect time. I am also delighted in the beautiful commitment of our leaders and members who continue assuring the joy and health of our Community.

Join us this Sunday in person or online for the Morning Celebration coming to you from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. Click here to register in advance if you can be with us; otherwise, go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. Completing our April theme of, “Heaven to Earth,” Rev. Mike will be speaking on, “Keeping the High Watch.”  Scroll through our site to find more information about us and our philosophy, as well as interesting events and planned activities.

Our Professional Licensed Practitioners are all listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Reaching out to any of them can lift your consciousness, deepen your faith, and establish happier, healthier conditions in your life.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

April 16, 2024: From the Pen

As I travel to enjoy some time with family today, I continue to feel connected to my home, family, and community here, as well. I love the universal feeling of Oneness that is our truth and the awareness that none of us can ever find ourselves outside of God’s Presence. It is also wonderful to celebrate the various landscapes, flora, and fauna of the different regions we visit, remembering that Unity in diversity brings even greater beauty and delight.

Our planet was divinely designed, and the Creator called it, “Good!” We, as co-creators with the Universal Creative Intelligence, are called upon to behold the Eternal Wholeness and Harmony of our earth and to bring that Vision into being, from the Invisible to the visible. Our Jewish friends’ wonderful mission, “Tikkun Olam,” is about “repairing the world,” an important and timely concept for us all.

Let’s consider the ways we may implement this new Vision, both for Mother Earth and for one another, keeping the High Watch, turning away from conditions, and declaring the Eternal Truth of the Unimpeachable Wholeness of the Universe. It all begins in alignment with our Source, opening our hearts and minds to solutions, and implementing them with willing hands.

Join us this Sunday for our online Morning Celebration coming to you from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. Simply go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. Continuing our April theme of, “Heaven to Earth,” I’ll be speaking on, “Come In, Earth.”  If you scroll through our site, you will find more information about us and our philosophy, as well as interesting events and planned activities.

Our Professional Licensed Practitioners are all listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Reaching out to any of them can lift your consciousness, deepen your faith, and establish happier, healthier conditions in your life.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

April 9, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Yesterday’s Total Eclipse of the Sun was a wonderful event that brought so many people together to share a rare astronomical occurrence.  What a great opportunity to join in raising our sights and our consciousness from the everyday experiences to such awe and delight, no matter how little or much of it we were able to witness.

It is in the communal uplifting of our vision that we are able, individually and collectively, to leave behind thoughts of limitation and feelings of separateness.  It is during such auspicious happenings that we are able to deepen our trust in the Infinite and in one another.  As we soar above the mundane, thrilling to the spectacular, we are changed for good, and the memories have the energy to keep us moving forward in our commitment to do what is ours to do.

We are better together and even more wonderfully successful when we keep our arms around each other and let Spirit shine through us all in Love and Wisdom. There will be infinite opportunities for us to connect deeply with the Divine and lift up each other.

Join us this Sunday for our in-person Morning Celebration at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA.  Just go to our website to register or just click here, so we know how many people to accommodate, and we do recommend carpooling. Those not attending in person may simply go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. Continuing our April theme of, “Heaven on Earth,” I’ll be speaking on, “Trusting the Universe.”  On the site, you will also find more information about us and our philosophy, as well as interesting events and planned activities.

Whenever a challenge may appear in your life that seems difficult to handle on your own, you may reach out to a Professional Licensed Practitioner, listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Whomever you select will be happy to work with you, pray with you, and assist you in clearing up and raising your consciousness.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine    

March 2024 BoT SPOT

Welcome to March 2024 BoT Spot!

Happy Spring!  When the Board of Trustees met last month, Dr. Maxine expressed her enthusiasm and deeply felt appreciation for this holiday season. She spoke about her desire to do something special again this year for Good Friday. Personally, I am so grateful for my exposure to the spiritual interpretation our Science of Mind philosophy has provided me regarding this holiday. I experience deep joy and excitement in recognizing my personal journey to greater consciousness, cultivating the Christ within, and celebrating its awakening expressed through me as God’s opportunity to know itself and touch this world. It’s deep, inspirational, meaningful, and I love it!!! So does Dr. Maxine, and she has a gift for guiding us through the Seven “Last” Words of Jesus” in such a deeply moving way.

I am happily planning to attend my sister-in-law’s birthday party this Friday, and still, I have a sense of sadness that I won’t be able to attend this year’s GPCSL Good Friday Event. I just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all who can to attend. It is an experience that demonstrates the power of community coming together in contemplation, compassion, and prayer. When you register, you will receive an invite to join via Zoom for this powerful one-hour event. I do hope you attend, and I’d love to hear about your experience!

Our Easter Sunday Celebration will be amazing as well! We will be live streaming, but for those who are local we invite you to join us live at the Inspiration Café in Paoli (registration required to reserve your seat). Come see behind the scenes, sing, dance, laugh, and YES, enjoy Dr. Maxine’s famously delicious Easter Orange Rolls…YUM!!!

Edie Janik


GPCSL Board of Trustees