Monthly Archives: February 2022

Feb. 22, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.   ~ Albert Einstein, in Creating a World That Works for All, Sharif Abdullah

As we awaken from this “dream” of separation from our Source and from one another, we begin to understand that every sentient being, created in the image and likeness of God, is imbued with divine qualities, and connected in Oneness with all.  We do live in the Heart and Mind of God, becoming more and more aware of this precious Unity with all Life. It is this open-hearted experience of true belonging that allows us to recover from the restrictive beliefs in separation and lifts the world consciousness to a higher vibration of Truth.

Remembering that the Divine Life that animates us is the same that motivates everyone and celebrates Itself within us all, it becomes possible to heal hurts, release judgment, and enter more deeply into mutual respect and appreciation.  God is alive within each and every one of us, nurturing, guiding, and sustaining us as we turn to this Holy Presence within.  This last Sunday in February, I’ll be speaking about, “It’s in Every One of Us,” and my intention is that we open more completely to the experience of the Global Heart, as we do our part to bring it to fruition in our world.

As we are now completely virtual, we invite you to join us each Sunday at 10:30 A.M. EST, live streaming from the Inspiration Café, our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301.  As you go to our website, you will find a welcoming musical invitation, preparing for our morning Celebration. Please enjoy the many aspects of this precious hour we share together: prayer, music, and uplifting messages, then consider informing your friends about the Celebrations archived on the website and open for viewing at any time.  Thank you for your continuing contributions to GPCSL, as we move through this amazing time of healthy transition, focusing on our beautiful Vision of a Beloved Spiritual Community that is wholesome, creative, and making a difference in our lives and in the greater community.

Whenever you may be experiencing a temporary human challenge, please go to the Practitioner Page on our website where you will find compassionate, well-trained Practitioners and Practitioner Intern ready and willing to work with spiritual tools to lift your consciousness and enhance your life experience.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Feb. 15, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The secret heart of time is change and growth. Each new experience that awakens in you adds to your soul and deepens your memory. The person is always a nomad journeying from threshold to threshold into ever different experiences. In each new experience another dimension of the soul unfolds.  ~ John O’Donohue, Anam Cara, p. 127

This life is an amazing spiritual journey for every one of us, each path uniquely created to bring us to deeper understanding, greater awareness, sweeter connections, and larger joy.  Of course, at times, we may find a few “potholes, speed bumps, or stumbling blocks” along the way; yet, it is these very experiences that lead us back to the greatest adventure of all: the passage from the human to the Divine.  It is as we “inquire within” that all the answers are given, and we become firmly established in Infinite Wisdom and Divine Love.

The notion of being a “nomad” is both refreshing and challenging, as it requires faith and courage to leave the secure, knowable life for the extraordinary unknown possibility; still, it is this continued activity of reaching for the More that develops our souls.  Moving confidently from one wonderful experience to the next, we find that it is Grace that leads, sustains, and follows us on the path.

One great discovery we make along the way is our infinite connection to Spirit and our oneness with all sentient beings.  Rev. Mike will address this possibility this Sunday, as he speaks about, “How to Deal with Difficult (Different) People,” as this essential movement in consciousness is a basic challenge and opportunity to arrive at a deeper consciousness of unity and love.  It all begins within us, so this is the starting point for our spiritual evolution, and we are meant to enjoy the journey!

Join us each Sunday at 10:30 A.M. EST, as we are now completely virtual, live streaming our Sunday Celebrations from the Inspiration Café, our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301.  Be sure to join us online by going to our website, from wherever you may be.  We are grateful for your continued support, spiritually and materially, as we all focus on a new Vision for our healthy, strong, uplifting Community of caring, conscious, dedicated people.  Because of this great technology and our outstanding producers, we are able to reach more people, sharing our message beyond any supposed borders.

Our Practitioners and Practitioner Intern are listed on the Practitioner Page of our website, and these dedicated people are happy to work with you in the area of spiritual Mind treatment (affirmative prayer) to deep your consciousness and transform limited beliefs to those which are life-affirming and filled with new possibilities.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Feb. 8, 2022: BoT Spot

Welcome to the second edition of GPCSL’s BoT Spot!

Love is in the air and so it seems appropriate to express the love we have for our Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living, our inspiring and energetic Dr. Maxine and her beau, Rev. Mike, our devoted Board of Trustees, and all the Center’s beautiful members and friends. Webster says a Valentine is “a gift or greeting sent or given especially to a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day”. So, much love to all the GPCSL sweethearts! You make it possible for us to learn from one another while continuing to provide world class Sunday Celebrations, classes, and events. It is through your engagement in this community and dedication to Living, Loving, and Learning, we demonstrate spirituality that works!

Update: Rest assured our Center’s belongings have been comfortably stowed away, standing ready to adorn our next perfect house for our home. In the meantime, your Board of Trustees, in concert with our community and ministry, is planning in-person events, life-enhancing classes, and exploring options for our new location.

At the moment, we are operating virtually for a few reasons:

  1. We prefer not to spend your lovingly contributed “treasure” for space that is not being fully utilized. The pandemic has impacted in-person Sunday Celebration and class attendance.
  2. Having significantly reduced our monthly rental expense, we are actively exploring cost conscious ways to invite the community to come together for in-person events while also exploring a multitude of options for a more permanent location.

Please continue to join us each Sunday virtually, slippers on feet and coffee/tea in hand, as together we demonstrate our commitment to creating a world that works (all the time) for everyone!

In gratitude,


Edie Janik, President, GPCSL Board of Trustees

Feb. 8, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

“In everyone’s life, there is a great need for anam cara, a soul friend. In this love, you are understood as you are without mask or pretense. . . This art of love discloses the special and sacred identity of the other person.” John O’Donohue, Anam Cara, p. 14

It is as we connect deeply and authentically with others that we simultaneously touch that sacred sanctuary within us, where we experience the Real Love of the Divine.  Conversely, the more we engage with this Precious Center of Unconditional Love within us, we find we are capable of establishing healthy, productive relationships with others.

No matter the question, Love is always the answer.  As we ask, “What would love do?” we are guided immediately to the highest and best course of action, for ourselves and others. A wise person once posed the question that, in passing from this earth, what if the one thing you were asked was, “Did you love enough?” This idea certainly shifts attention away from pride in earthly accomplishments, material goods acquired, or fame achieved.

Are we loving enough now? Our theme for the month of February is, “Living in the Global Heart,” a conscious intention we are setting to expand our hearts and minds to a greater expression of Love for all humankind.  Truly, the more we give our love away, the more experiences of love we will continue to enjoy.  Let’s establish ourselves solidly in the Field of Love, as we explore, “Anam Cara: Soul Friend” this Sunday.

Since our move last week from Industrial Boulevard, we are completely virtual, live streaming our Sunday Celebrations from our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301.  We are not holding in-person Celebrations at time, so be sure to join us online by going to our website, at 10:30 A.M. from wherever you may be.  We are grateful for your continued support, spiritually and materially, as we all focus on a new Vision for our healthy, strong, uplifting Community of caring, conscious, dedicated people.  Because of this great technology, we are able to reach more people, extending outside the Philadelphia area, and doing our work beyond any borders.

There is still time to join tonight’s “Shortcut to a Miracle” class, beginning at 6:30 P.M. If you have purchased your book by the same name, register right away by clicking here, and invest 2-1/2 hours each of the 8 weeks (skipping only February 22nd.) You may still begin this class tonight and order your book quickly, in order to keep up with the reading assignments.  This Centers for Spiritual Living Certified Course will be offered on Zoom, and you will receive the link when you register, along with the workbook. Come ready to experience your “Miracle!”

Engage any of our Practitioners or Practitioner Intern to assist in bringing spiritual solutions to any human challenge.  You will find them listed and featured on the Practitioner Page of our website.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Feb. 1, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Love is the self-givingness of Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation. . . Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible.  Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 608

This is, historically, the “Month of Love,” and we certainly are focusing on the Essence of Divine Love and how It is expressed in and through humanity.  As we continue the CSL Annual Theme, “Living Everyday Wonder,” we deepen our understanding of Who we are, why we are here, and how we may contribute to “A World That Works for All.” The wonderful Divine Science minister, Emmet Fox, wrote a beautiful poem about love, the last sentence being, “If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world!”

It is true that Real Love, God’s Love, is capable of healing hearts, lifting minds, and changing conditions. Truly, it is the Greatest Power in the world, and it is available to us and all sentient beings.  Love is, indeed, a quality of the Divine, alive within each of us and ready to send Its Essence to everyone and everything at all times and in all places.  Even in uncertain and tenuous times, we may rely on this healing, harmonizing Presence, simply be remembering It dwells within us and is forever available to us.

Since our move last week from Industrial Boulevard, we are continuing our Sunday live streaming from 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301, and this is our Center’s temporary office address.  We are not holding in-person Celebrations at this time, so be sure to join us online by going to our website, at 10:30 A.M. from wherever you may be.  We are grateful for your continued support, spiritually and materially, as we all focus on a new Vision for our healthy, strong, uplifting Community of caring, conscious, dedicated people.  Because of this great technology, we are able to reach more people, extending outside the Philadelphia area, and doing our work beyond any borders.

Purchase the wonderful book, “Shortcut to a Miracle,” and join me and other amazing students a week from tomorrow night from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. This Centers for Spiritual Living Certified Course will be offered on Zoom, and click here for more information and to register. We begin a new theme for the month of February, “Living in the Global Heart,” and Sunday’s talk will be, “Love or Fear.” Join us at 10:30 A.M., or catch the Celebration at any time on our website.

Our capable Practitioners and Intern, stand ready to assist you with any human problem you may be experiencing, bring spiritual support and healthy solutions. Go to the Practitioner Page of our website to select any one of these dedicated people.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine