Monthly Archives: October 2023

Oct. 31, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Isn’t it interesting how what was once a Christian holy day (All Hallows’ Eve), the night before All Saints’ Day, or All Hallows’ Day, became an occasion for fright and fun?  Earlier, the Celtic Church celebrated the festival of Samhain, acknowledging the end of the old year and beginning of the new. This was a time of invoking demons, which led to the spooky holiday of Halloween.  Today, we don’t think about much besides enjoying children’s costumes and giving out their favorite candy! Let’s just have fun tonight.

Moving into November, we focus on Gratitude, opening our hearts and minds to all the blessings for which we give thanks.  Understanding that Gratitude is Causative, we happily employ this power to bring us deeper faith and greater fulfillment.  The person who refuses to feel appreciative toward life simply becomes closed off from a sense of wellbeing and joy, so we are wise to let go of resentments and replace them with thanksgiving.  We will focus on this aspect more deeply week after next.

Next Sunday is “Practitioners Sunday,” and our wonderful God Squad will be presenting the entire Morning Celebration, with an able assist from Lady Jo Lurquin, as Moderator.  They will be in person at Inteprod in Eagleville at 10:30 A.M. and will be kicking off the new theme for November, “Gratitude.” Each of them will be presenting their individual “Perspectives on Gratitude.” If you are not able to join us in person, please click on the orange Watch Live button on our website, to catch our Lovestream. Looking through our site, you will find an entire Practitioner Page, where all are listed with contact information, as well as news of upcoming activities.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine          

Oct. 24, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

We wear so many “hats” in our human disguises and are wise to become aware of their importance in our lives, while understanding that none of them really defines us. Neither our place in the family nor the workplace explain Who we truly are, any more than our gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or political persuasions can begin to explain our Authentic Self. There is much pretense about being “only human” until we finally uncover our spiritual origins and begin living from a greater truth.

Once we identify with our True Source and become aware of the Divine Life we all share and the Power for Good that is available to everyone, we find our humanness a delightful way to let Spirit shine through us, uplifting our own lives, and illuminating humanity itself. As each of us awakens to our greater potential, we rouse others to become aware of our unity with the Divine and our sweet and powerful connections with one another.

We can enjoy our many roles much more thoroughly when we remember our divine identity, our oneness with all sentient beings, and our ability to invite the brilliant, Divine Light to shine through every aspect of our being. Let’s celebrate our humanity and our divinity.

Join in our livestream fr0m the Inspiration Café as we complete our October focus on “Truth.” I’ll be speaking on, “The Human Charade,” and you may watch by going to and pressing the “Watch Live” button. As you scroll through the website, you will find information on many, wonderful, upcoming events. We continue to create fun, inspirational, and uplifting activities in which we gather as a Community.

Our Practitioners have a page of their own on our website, so do visit them there, and select any one of them, if you wish clarification, illumination, or specific spiritual work on a challenge you may be facing.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 17, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

As painful and disturbing as world events are at present, we do ourselves a disservice by becoming so caught up in this negativity that we tend to feed energy to what we do not wish to experience. Yes, we must remain aware of what is occurring and bring a compassionate heart to all who suffer, while maintaining a deep awareness of the underlying and everlasting Peace and Divine Order that is the context in which all these contents are held.

Let us not enter into fear or hopelessness but take a really deep dive into God’s Presence within us, sustaining our clear and present awareness of the Perfect Life of the Divine unfolding within us and all sentient beings. Anyone attempting to wield malevolent control over others must be stripped of this false power and faced with the True Power of Spiritual Sovereignty which is alive within each of us. Let’s stand in Truth, unshaken by fabricated notions of external control. God is still in charge, always has been, and always will be. No outward conflict can persist in the face of Perfect Peace, and it is up to us to insist on remaining in this Truth.

We will be live streaming from the Inspiration Café in Paoli this coming Sunday, October 22nd for October’s continued focus on “Truth,” as Rev. Mike teaches us to, “Speak Truth to Power.” You may watch by going to and pressing the orange “Watch Live” button. Learn about all our upcoming events on this site and scroll through the pages to get to know us better.

On our Practitioner Page, you will find trained and dedicated people who use spiritual tools to transform human conditions. Any of them will assist you through the process of spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer), and you may contact whomever you wish to call for an appointment.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

So much of what we see and hear in this world has little or nothing to do with the Underlying Truth and Universal Harmony that is eternally present, regardless of outward appearances. As we refuse to perpetuate the external “facts” and insist on maintaining our reliance on Divine Reality, we must also “keep our conversations in heaven.” In other words, take the high ground in conversations, consider the difference between what is temporary and what is permanent, and insist on elevating the consciousness in the room.

We know that facts change, as forms come and go, for that is their designation. Truth, however, is changeless and permanent, and it is that upon which we focus our attention. Once we truly understand and experience the Indwelling Presence of Peace and Power, any interest in or fascination with passing events disappears, and we think, feel, and speak only that which is eternally so. This is how we change the world for good.

Please join us in person this coming Sunday, October 8th at Inteprod in Eagleville for our continued October’s focus on “Truth,” as Rev. Mike asks us to consider, “Is It True? Is It Kind? Is It Necessary?” If you are not in the area, you may watch our Celebration by going to and pressing the orange “Watch Live” button.

Tomorrow night’s two-hour workshop on “Converting Fear to Faith” is still available, and I encourage you to sign up on Breeze by clicking here.  It will begin promptly at 6:30 P.M. and complete at 8:30 P.M. You are welcome to sign on a bit early. The materials and Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the workshop. There is no charge, and love offerings are always welcome.

Take the opportunity to scroll through our website to be sure you know about all upcoming events. You will also find loving, supportive spiritual guidance on our Practitioner Page, where you may contact any of the members of our “God Squad” who will listen with an open heart and lift your consciousness to a greater reality.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 3, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Although people often may feel disconnected from Source and from one another, the truth is that we live, and move, and breathe, and have our very being in the Life of God, a Life in which we all participate. It is the very soul and essence of our being, and, as we awaken to It, we are able to feel the Infinite Love of Spirit, as well as our deep connection to one another. There is nothing real or lasting about that false sense of separation, and we can assist others in regaining their connectedness to the Divine and to our beautiful human race.

Our own Beloved Community has maintained its integrity during these challenging years during and post Covid, delighting in our many opportunities to connect in person, as we await the discovery of our new location. We know that everything begins with an idea, a vision, a mental equivalent of the desired result. That is why it is necessary to work together in consciousness to form the idea in the Absolute, and watch it unfold in the relative. As Margaret Mead said, ”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Each of us has something important to contribute to the Whole, as the arms and legs, eyes, and ears, minds and hearts required to continue moving us in our divine direction . . . forward!

Please join us in person this coming Sunday, October 8th at Inteprod in Eagleville for our continued the month of October’s focus on “Truth,” and stay for the Annual Community Meeting that follows. Members and friends are invited to attend, as the Board of Trustees reviews the previous year and spells out our future plans. This is always a fun and informative time to gather and to add our voices to our Beloved Community. If you are not able to be physically present, you may watch our Celebration by going to and press on the orange “Watch Live” button. My topic will be, “The Power of Unity.” If you are unable to join us in person, you may join Annual Meeting at Noon Eastern Time via Zoom by clicking here to register and receive the Zoom link.

I am also offering a two-hour session on “Converting Fear to Faith” on Wednesday, October 11 from 6:30-8:30 PM Eastern Time. Click here to learn more.

Whild you are scrolling through our website, do check out the Practitioner Page if you would like spiritual support for any human condition, you may be facing, and any of them will be glad to respond to you and set up an appointment.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine