Monthly Archives: July 2020

July 28, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

We are poised in a sense of peace, which comes from our complete faith in God as the light, power and inspiration of our life.  There will be . . . no uneasiness or anxiety about any outcome, if we know — whether waking or sleeping — that every step of the way God goes with us. ~ ~ ~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 247

Knowing there is One Intelligent, Creative Power, One Indivisible, Loving Presence and that each of us is a beautiful, unique, individualized expression of that One Life, we know we are also one with every sentient being.  We also realize that we are all on a path of spiritual evolution, waking more and more each day to the divine possibilities that exist for everyone.  As we walk our walk, individually and together with others, we truly begin waking to the spiritual truth of our being.

Rarely does a person attain “instantaneous illumination;” rather, it is a step-by-step process, all originating in an authentic awareness of the Power and the Presence that abides within each of us and all of us.  We are “bound together and finely woven with Love,” opening our minds and hearts to each other from our deep awareness of the Oneness of Life and its multiple, magnificent expressions of Itself.  In the coming month, we will explore Dr. Ernest Holmes’ approach to this divine development and learn to use these spiritual principles for personal and global transformation  Keep in mind that even “baby steps” are a BIG DEAL to the baby, and we respect everyone’s time table and particular processes, just as we honor our own.

Consider joining me next Tuesday, August 4th  on Zoom, for a four-week Discovery Class, in which we will connect heart-to-heart with curious, interested and interesting people who are ready for a deeper dive into New Thought history, basic Principles of Science of Mind, and their effective application.  There is no charge for this course, and love offerings are always welcome.  Just contact Linda O’Neill at  to receive the bountiful handout that you may print out on your own.  You’ll want to keep it on your bookshelf for easy reference. We will meet from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M., and the time always goes very quickly. We always provide opportunities to connect with each other and for answering questions.  You won’t want to miss any of the four; yet, you are welcome to join us for whatever portion you can.

Until the time arrives when we return to our sweet Center in Paoli, we will continue live streaming Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, Even when that happy time comes, we intend to continue to send out our music and messages in this way, as we have found a larger viewing community these past few months who love being “with us” each week. The new theme for August is: “Walking Each Other Home in Five Steps,” and this Sunday’s topic  is, “The Greatest Power and Presence.” Do look for the “Love Notes” Rev. Mike and I send to you throughout the week, filmed in our living room, as we love all the creative ways we may stay in touch with you. Previous ones are archived on our website, along with past Sunday live streams.

Our Practitioners are also standing by, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing, and they are listed on the website, as well. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

July 21, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer.  ~ Albert Camus

Personal and global challenges are possibly greater than most of us have ever encountered, and yet we find a deep Source of Life that supports us and invites us to carry on.  Finding our inner strength and extending it to others is the wisest and most compassionate path we can take, and we find our own capabilities growing as we do.  There truly is a Power greater than we are, a Power for Good that we can use, and it is available to everyone alike.  Those who are practiced in spiritual connection and identification are called to bring their gifts of faith, caring, and steadfastness to help lift those who may be feeling lost, struggling with uncertainty, and not yet aware of their divine connection to Wisdom and Love.

We all long for freedom to live our lives fully, and every sentient being is completely deserving of the fullness of abundance in every area: wellbeing, compassion, love, respect, and creative opportunities.  We are all connected to our Source and to one another, so we must thrive personally and find ways to lift each other to real possibilities.  Truly, we are all on a path of spiritual evolution, and, although the roads may differ, we can respect and support everyone along the way, even sit down occasionally and share a meal, literally or figuratively. The more deeply we dive into the Loving, Creative, Intelligent Source within us, the greater our sense of True Power becomes and the more willing we are to share it.

Please contact Linda O’Neill at if you can join us tomorrow evening at 6:30 P.M. on a Zoom meeting with GPCSL, Center of Peace in Philadelphia, and CSL Delaware in open-hearted discussions on dismantling racism, listening lovingly and respectfully to people of many colors, and working together to bring about a World That Works for All.  Our earlier meetings were warm, enlightening, and promising in so many ways. In these difficult times, we need deeper understanding and compassion to experience real freedom for ourselves and for everyone in the world.

Do invite your friends to our live stream Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, The topic for this Sunday is, “The Great Emancipator.” Rev. Mike and I send “Love Notes” to you throughout the week, in order to stay in touch with you during this extended time of physical separation, and previous ones are archived on our website, along with past  morning live streams.  Our Practitioners are also standing by, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing, and they are listed on the website, as well. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

July 14, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.  When one desires to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being, then generosity —in action, word, and thought — is this desire put it into practice.  His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, p. 149    

This quote clearly addresses “generosity of the heart,” which includes deep compassion and authentic forgiveness, for ourselves, as well as for others.  As we continue navigating smartly through the pandemic, caring well for ourselves, and being respectful of others, we seek to reach a deeper awareness of what is ours to do to bring about, rather than just “talk about” the kind of world we truly desire.  The same is true for our ever-increasing understanding of system racism, which must be addressed and transformed, as we strengthen our ties with one another in this pivotal period of real change for humanity. We can become more generous with our time and attention, as we encourage others to speak to us from their hearts, compassionate enough to be willing to hear with our hearts, holding each other tenderly in a divine embrace, as we move through our human challenges. We can also be open-minded, open-handed, and open-hearted with regard to our willingness to forgive . . . ourselves and others.

Knowing how the Law of Circulation works, we do not hesitate to give of our time, talent, and treasure to others and, especially, to the closest source of our spiritual food; namely, our spiritual centers which provide a radiant, healing, transformative Light to help us on the way to greater justice, love, and prosperity for all. Let’s give of ourselves fully to our teaching, our families and friends, our communities, and the world, as we delight in the flow of Good for every sentient being and experience growing abundance of every kind in our lives.

We so enjoy bringing our Sunday Celebrations to you via live stream each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, This week’s topic for Sunday is, “Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give.” The “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I send to you throughout the week are just more opportunities to stay in touch with you during this extended time of physical separation, and previous ones are archived on our website, along with past  morning live streams.  You may also find a listing of our Practitioners, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

July 7, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

The world does not have to be a mess. We can, right now, with our presently available resources, create a world that works for all. . . . one person, acting out of the power of his or her deepest convictions, can change the world. The power to transform our world, the power of revolution, lies with you. So does the responsibility.  Sharif Abdullah, Creating a World That Works for All, p. 32

Truly, it is our joyous responsibility to do the essential work of shifting consciousness, replacing limited ideas with those of expansive possibility, and allowing real transformation to take place within us, as we co-create a world of compassion, creativity, and conscious caring.  However, we can be only as effective as we are able to embody the powerful awareness that it is the Divine Activity within us that is working through us to establish the newer, truer ideas of peace, plenty, and fairness for all. It is my right to change my consciousness and my responsibility to do my part to lift the human mindset.  It is as I invite real transformation to occur within me that I am able to participate effectively in the rebirth of Love and Light in our world.

We all have access to the Universal Power for Good and capable of using it wisely for ourselves, manifesting healthy lives in every possible area AND of letting IT use US for the greatest expression of Good in this world. These are historic times in which we are now living, and it is up to us to write a new chapter . . . perhaps an entirely new Book of Life for everyone.  Let’s enter into this Divine Revolution of Love one prayer, one conscious intention, and one spiritual practice at a time.  Working with Spirit and Law, we understand that it is through our Unity with God and one another that everything is possible. 

We love continuing to be with you in so many ways, primarily by live streaming our Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, This week’s topic for Sunday is, “Rights and Responsibilities.” The “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I send to you throughout the week are just more opportunities to stay in touch with you during this extended time of physical separation, and previous ones are archived on our website, along with past Sunday morning live streams.  You may also find a listing of our Practitioners, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine