Mar. 22, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep Spring from coming. ~ Pablo Neruda
There is Something innately and permanently alive within each of us, always ready to be awakened to the Divine Presence that created us out of Its very Life. No matter what challenging experiences a person may have faced, despite any injustice, damage, or deprivation, and regardless of beliefs to the contrary, this Life must manifest. Like the grass in the crack of the sidewalk, “it will out!”
You and I are continuously growing in awareness of the divinity that is our reality, forever awakening to our Authentic Self, which is a unique and beautiful individualized expression of God’s Life. Whatever human lack, loss, or limitation we may have experienced, it is the Truth of our Divine Nature that ultimately reveals itself on our spiritual, evolutionary journey.
From this personal awakening comes the ability to connect consciously with other caring, compassionate, creative people to bring forth the Love, Peace, and Wisdom that may have been hiding in humanity. As we seek to perceive the Reality of Spirit beyond the inappropriate behaviors, the invitation becomes impossible to refuse, and limited or negatively focused people begin to remember Who and Whose they are.
You are invited to join us on-line each Sunday morning on, as we live stream our Celebration to you via YouTube and Facebook. We begin at 10:30 A.M. DST from The Inspiration Café, our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301. As you go to our website, www.cslphilly.org you will find welcoming music, prayer, uplifting messages, and a wonderful connection with Spirit and with each other. Inviting your friends to join us on Sundays or to visit our website and view archived Celebrations and our Love Notes is possible at any time. We continue our March theme, “Awaken, Thou That Sleepest,” and Rev. Mike will be offering his uplifting talk about “Green and Growing” this Sunday.
For any human condition you may be experiencing, there is always a spiritual solution, and our Practitioners are trained with spiritual tools to work with you in any area of your life that you are ready to transform. You will find our Practitioners and Intern on the Practitioner Page of our website. Get to know them and work with whomever you select to enhance your life experience.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine
Welcome to GPCSL’s March BoT Spot!
“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ―Charles Dickens
Welcome to the March BoT Spot! Have you found yourself between two places: warm, yet cold; peaceful, yet blustery; light, yet dark? The evidence of eternal life surrounds us this time of year in the season’s change: the earth ever so slightly shifting from grey to green, the soil still firm but warming up and loosening to prepare for its next great growing adventure, and the angle of the sun offering up a different perspective and experience.
Our beloved Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living is living out its own sort of emergence. As you will recall, we decided to end our lease in the Paoli Corporate Center and return to virtual delivery of Sunday Celebrations at the end of January. This decision was based on in-person Sunday Celebration attendance and the flexibility meeting virtually and livestreaming has given us. By ending our lease, our expenses are better aligned to our 2022 budget as projected by the Intentional Giving Program (IGP). Our Center, as are all Centers for Spiritual Living, is self-funded. It is sustained primarily by its member and friend contributions, for which we are so grateful.
Now, you may be wondering…if we have no physical location…where does the money I give to GPCSL go? Contributions to GPCSL pay for basic operating costs that allow us to continue our mission of Creating a World that Works for All and sharing Spirituality that Works with our communities, near and far. Operating expenses include staff (bookkeeper, office manager, minister, livestream production), building/storage, and necessary services (telephone, website support, etc.). Your Intentional Giving dollars, and/or donations otherwise, are currently helping us to cover these costs as well as make in-person events (stay tuned for more on those!), marketing, and a new GPCSL home for our community possible. So, a big thank you for all you do and give to the Center…you are making a difference.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me or anyone on the Board if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. You can leave a message on the office phone at 610-695-0375. We love to hear from you!
In gratitude,
Edie Janik
President, GPCSL Board of Trustees, sqemj@hotmail.com
This awakening is a process of evolution, a little here and a little there, until the whole eye is opened, and we see that life is neither separate from God nor different from Good. Life is God, and Good is the only power there is, or can be.
Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 487
Although we spend a lifetime on our delightful, spiritual evolutionary paths, we do well to approach this process with gentleness, rather than any sense of hurry or worry. My beloved teacher, Earl Barnum, shared with me this wisdom years ago: “You have all of eternity and not a moment to lose.” This sweet suggestion has helped me to stay in the present, doing my spiritual work serenely and confidently, knowing I am approaching it at my own pace, and maintaining a tender touch for myself and others.
As Ernest Holmes writes, “Love is the sole impulse for creation . . .” and it is this divine experience of authentic love for ourselves that we are continually inspired to move forward smoothly into our experience of co-creation. As we begin to see more clearly with the Eye of the Heart, our personal and global perspective changes to a higher vibration, and we see rightly, wisely, and lovingly. Let’s walk along our path of awakening knowing we are never alone on the journey. In fact, our Beloved Spiritual Community provides the welcoming and inspiring environment for our continued awakening and celebration of Life.
Until we discover our new meeting place, we continue to be with you every Sunday morning online, as we live stream our Sunday morning Celebration to you via YouTube and Facebook. Join us each Sunday at 10:30 A.M. EST from The Inspiration Café, our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301. Simply go to our website, www.cslphilly.org and find welcoming music, prayer, uplifting messages, and a wonderful sense of communion with Spirit and connection with each other.
Do invite your friends to join us on Sundays or to visit our website and to view archived Celebrations and our Love Notes at any time.
On the Practitioner Page of our website a listing of our Practitioners and Intern allows you to become acquainted with these dedicated people, and you may select the one with whom you wish to work to enhance your life experience.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine
Peace in the World . . . Now!
The Infinite Mind and Heart of God, fully present within all Its magnificent creation, is expressing in, through, and as me now. I am the place where God shows up, the sacred instrument receiving the highest and most profound energies of Love and Wisdom, and radiating this consciousness of the Infinite Possibility of True Peace into my world.
Each beloved expression of Divine Life is also a conduit of the Power of Peace to heal, bless, uplift, and transform. Through our clear, dedicated, intelligent intentions, confusion is resolved into Clarity, conflict to Compassion, fear to Faith, divisiveness to Unity, and doubt to Confidence.
I now speak my powerful word for true and lasting Peace in the world, cognizant of the Field of Infinite Possibility that instantly accepts my new truth and is already acting upon it. The transformational Power of Love is working in and through all world leaders, as Divine Wisdom guides all to wise decisions and appropriate actions for the greatest good of all sentient beings in this world.
There is nothing to deny this truth, for the Presence of God is the only Power that exists, and the underlying Harmony of the Universe now rises to reveal a greater truth for all.
The revelation of Heaven on earth is the mighty workings of the generosity of Spirit through the accurate and dependable Law of Mind, and each of us is the means through which this “miraculous” activity of Creative Power is unfolding now.
With deep gratitude for the generosity of Spirit, the dependability of the Law, and my confidence in the Word, I release this divine intention to the Creative Intelligence which is already bringing it into fruition.
And so it is.
Rev. Dr. Maxine Kaye