Monthly Archives: January 2021

Dec. 22: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Born into time and experience, unnoticed, unseen, yet alive and aware, the Christ Child incarnated in human form, taking the likeness of men and women . . . ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, P. 360

Last night’s Virtual Winter Solstice Celebration 2020 was such a beautiful testament to the expression of the Universal Light within all people, as we were blessed to hear from many faith traditions and to be uplifted by wonderful music! If you did not tune in then, you may still find it archived on our website, and I invite you to view it again and again. We are deeply grateful to all our enlightened presenters and to Jeff Masino for producing the final, magnificent product!

There is so much for which we are thankful, as we move toward Christmas this week and the conclusion of the year next week.  In the midst of a great deal of darkness, we continued to bring the Light and to share it with others.  This, of course, is an ongoing process, and one in which we are privileged to participate. The great gift of the illuminated Christ Consciousness, called by many names, yet fully present within each person, continually shines Its warmth and love. Let this be our focus, as we prepare to release the past with gratitude and embrace the New Possibility before us. Yes, Peace on Earth is still a personal and universal achievable opportunity, and our commitment is strong. Keep shining that Divine Light!

Our virtual Sunday Celebrations continue each week at 10:30 A.M., and we invite you to join us for this live stream gathering.  Our theme for the month has been, “Celebrate Everything,” and we conclude the month, and the year, with “Endings and Beginnings.”  Logging on to our website, you’ll be directed to You Tube or Facebook. Archived Sunday Celebrations and Rev. Mike’s and my daily “Love Notes” may be seen at any time via the Live Stream button.

If you desire spiritual support, simply reach out to one of our Practitioners or Practitioner Interns on the website. You will find that any of them will be glad to work with you.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine