The Great, Creative Intelligence of this Universe is at work within all creation and dwells peacefully and powerfully within each one of us. It is as we become acutely aware of Its immediate presence in our very hearts and minds that infinite possibilities become measurable realities for us. As the Master Teacher explained, “It is not I, but the Presence within that does the work.”
The more effectively we surrender to Spirit’s Loving Presence and the more firmly we stand in our faith, the more freely and continuously our Good flows through us and into our life experiences. We needn’t strive nor struggle to enhance the blessings in our lives, but simply invite the Infinite Power to work through us to establish a greater expression of Itself on earth.
Next Sunday’s virtual Celebration will come to you from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. at 10:30 A.M., and you are invited to join us for Rev. Mike’s presentation, “Not by My Own Hand.” Be with us by going to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Now” button to join in.
Whenever we may feel challenged by a condition that we have not been able to overcome, this is a good time to call one of our wonderful Practitioners, all listed on our website on the Practitioner Page. Whomever you select will work with you to elevate your consciousness and assist you in working through the appearance to a greater Truth.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine