Monthly Archives: June 2024

June 25, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The Great, Creative Intelligence of this Universe is at work within all creation and dwells peacefully and powerfully within each one of us. It is as we become acutely aware of Its immediate presence in our very hearts and minds that infinite possibilities become measurable realities for us. As the Master Teacher explained, “It is not I, but the Presence within that does the work.” 

The more effectively we surrender to Spirit’s Loving Presence and the more firmly we stand in our faith, the more freely and continuously our Good flows through us and into our life experiences. We needn’t strive nor struggle to enhance the blessings in our lives, but simply invite the Infinite Power to work through us to establish a greater expression of Itself on earth.

Next Sunday’s virtual Celebration will come to you from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA.  at 10:30 A.M., and you are invited to join us for Rev. Mike’s presentation, “Not by My Own Hand.” Be with us by going to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Now” button to join in.

Whenever we may feel challenged by a condition that we have not been able to overcome, this is a good time to call one of our wonderful Practitioners, all listed on our website on the Practitioner Page. Whomever you select will work with you to elevate your consciousness and assist you in working through the appearance to a greater Truth.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

June 18, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Although most of us are aware of the necessity of enlarging our consciousness, deepening our faith, and transforming limited belief patterns into wholesome, new ideas, we don’t always know where or how to start the process. The question, “Where do I begin?” often blocks our progress, so, rather, let’s ask, “How can I open my heart to greater love and my mind to larger possibilities?” One universal response to this query is, “Enter into gratitude!”

The more we bless and praise everyone and everything in our current experience, the freer we become to experience greater freedom and joy. The Greek word, “Metanoya” is used in the Bible as “repentance,” whereas the root meaning of the word is, “turn the mind in another direction.” The moment we remove our gaze from the unwanted to the truly desired, we begin planting constructive ideas in the fertile soil of Divine Mind, with the happy results of a more wonderful life experience.

Grasping the “magic key” of thankfulness, we are ready to unlock new opportunities of constructive thinking, peaceful feeling, and expanded creative possibilities. Additionally, the more we join with others to transform subjective patterns of lack or limitation, the more beautifully we co-create what better serves us personally and globally.

Join us in person next Sunday, June 23rd at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA.  at 10:30 A.M. Eastern Time, and register online to assure yourself a seat.  For those out of the area, you may go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Now” button to be with us virtually. My topic will be, “The Key to Acceptance and Expansion,” and now you have a hint of what that will be about. We love having you with us in person.

Even spiritually aware beings encounter difficulties from time to time, and our Practitioner Page displays our open-hearted and wonderfully-trained people, any of whom are ready and willing to reply to your requests for a session of spiritual support.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

June 11, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day, a time to celebrate the wonderful people in our lives who helped to bring us into being and who influenced us in our growth. Following is a quote of unknown origin: “Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, the not yet dads, the stepdads, the moms who are dad, the adoptive dads, the grandads, and the dads who are no longer with us.” I think that covers most “paternal” relationships; yet, we also look to the Originating Principle of Life that dwells within us all, as we honor the Universal Creator that brings all life into being.

What has been known as, “the masculine principle” is simply the sowing of the seed thought in Mind, whether that of the Infinite or the individual. It is about choosing what to introduce to the “feminine principle” which receives that idea, nurtures, and produces it in form. We are speaking of Divine Mind and Its two-fold nature: Conscious and Subjective. As we utilize this spiritual process clearly, consciously, and compassionately, we become empowered in being “father to our experience.” This is a joyous responsibility we all have been given, and it is a blessing.

Next Sunday, June 16th, we will come to you virtually from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. at 10:30 A.M. Continuing our June theme, “We Co-Create,” I’ll be happily suggesting to everyone: “Let’s Start Something!” Just go to and click on the orange “Watch Now” button to be with us.

Please join us and many other churches, synagogues, and mosques from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. this Sunday for “NeighborFest,” the Interfaith Alliance of the Upper Main Line’s very special event at the Berwyn Primary Shops, 800 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn. There is no entry fee for this fun-filled afternoon of music, games, giveaways, food trucks, and camaraderie. Stop by our GPCSL table and say “hello.” This will be a great opportunity to celebrate Father’s Day.

We all learn to apply our wonderful spiritual practices to all varieties of human needs and challenges; still, there are times we do well to reach out for assistance. Scrolling down to our Practitioner Page, you will find a selection of finely trained Practitioners you may contact who will support you. Contact any of them and let yourself be lifted in consciousness.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

June 4, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

There are quite a number of bright, clever, wise, funny nonagenarians that I know and love. Each of them is a delight to be with, and all of them are spiritually and mentally alive. Most are physically active, still exercising, driving, taking care of daily tasks, and even dancing! You see, the Intelligence in this Universe resides within us all, and we are each happily responsible to create our lives wonderfully, as we use It with Love and Wisdom.

These are the people who understand how the Universal Life Force works, and they do not inhibit Its flow through them with limiting beliefs or negative notions about imaginary restrictions. Yes, imaginary restrictions! It is our creative imaginations that produce our life experiences, so we are wise to use this creative power constructively, never allowing any emotional or mental block to become a barrier to our divinely-designed expression of life.

Once we truly understand that the Universal Creative Process operates through us as our individual creative process, we realize that there is a Power and a Presence at work within us all, a beautiful, blessed Divine Activity that never ceases to keep us alive, healthy, happy, and strong. Let’s turn often to that Source of the generation and production of our wonderful lives. Happy 94th birthday to my dear cousin, June!

Please join us IN PERSON at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. this Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 A.M., as we continue our June theme, “We Co-Create,” and I’ll be speaking on “The Creative Power in the Individual.” Register on line to be assured of a seat, or you may participate virtually by going to and clicking on the orange “Watch Now” button.

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners are standing by to support you, as you may experience temporary challenges in any area of your life, sharing spiritual tools to lift you into the Truth that is always beyond the appearance. Contact any of them through the Practitioner Page on our website.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine