But now when investigation has shown us that conditions are never causes in themselves, but only the subsequent links of a chain started on the plane of the pure ideal, what we have to do is reverse our method of thinking and regard the ideal as the real, and the outward manifestation as a mere reflection which must change with every change of the objects which casts it. – Thomas Troward, The Edinbugh Lectures, p. 58
As we celebrate freedom this month, we become aware that it is within our own minds that we have been given the gift of choice, self-determination, and true independence. Whatever we may have manifested in the outer world, because of our internal focus (whether conscious or unconscious,) we have the ability and the power to transform by refocusing our attention on a greater idea. It is never necessary to remain in any narrow or negative condition, the change can be instantaneous, and it is up to us to reverse it.
In truth, circumstances have no power of themselves, and the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we will be free to invite Spirit to bring forth a new reality for us by placing our attention on our truer desire, establishing and maintaining that focus, as we watch the new concept unfold in our lives. As we make that conscious choice to move out of unwanted, limiting conditions, all the Power of the Universe conspires to bring about the new idea made manifest in our world.
How we are loving gathering again in person, as well as continuing our wider reach on line. There is a wonderful energy in the rooms, as we celebrate and welcome each other Home. For those catching our live stream, just go to www.cslphilly.org at 10:30 A.M. EDT to join us on Sunday morning or to view previous Celebrations or the “Love Notes” we send five days a week from our Living Room. Join Rev. Mike this Sunday, as he presents his inspiring message, “No Peace in the Thingdom” while I make a short trip to Florida.
Our dedicated Practitioners and Practitioner Interns stand ready to serve your needs, spiritual and material, and can be contacted on our website. Reach out to any of them whenever you desire prayer support, and they will gladly work with you.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine