We understand that “The idea is father to the experience,” meaning that our thoughts produce conditions in our lives and in the world. Our conscious intention is the most essential ingredient in our creative work, as those undiscovered thought patterns within us continue to play out in our circumstances until we finally recognize and transform them. Making a clear, conscious, wise, compassionate, and powerful choice generates the highest and best results in our individual lives, in our Beloved Community, and far beyond. The world truly is in need of our deep faith and our continually expanding consciousness.
As we celebrate our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, sons, and all men who have contributed to our wellbeing over the years, let’s realize that it is the Indwelling Presence of Spirit within them that has shared the Wisdom and the Love guiding and lifting us still. Let’s also remember that the volitional aspect of Spirit dwells within each of us and makes it possible to generate greater and greater Good for ourselves and others. This “Masculine Principle,” as Dr. Holmes referred to it, is the starting point of creation.
Just as Divine Mind is infinite in Its capability of producing possibilities beyond what has previously existed, so each of us selects and generates brand, new manifestations that were never before experienced, yet divinely inspired for greatness. Let’s start something wonderful!
We continue livestreaming this Sunday from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, focusing on June’s theme of, “Selectivity,” and I will be speaking on, “The Starting Point,” as we celebrate Father’s Day. We begin at 10:30 A.M. and can be found by going to our website, www.cslphilly.org and pressing the orange “Watch” button. If you are not able to tune in at that time, just follow the same procedure later in the day or week to catch our Celebration. The website also provides rich information on events and activities which may interest you.
As you open the Practitioner Page on our website, you will find several GPCSL Practitioners who are happy to assist you with whatever human challenge you may be facing. They use spiritual tools to change the consciousness that changes conditions, so choose with whomever you wish to work and contact them for an appointment.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine