Whether we utter a simple prayer or offer passionate praises, our hearts are surely filled with gratitude as we enter into these divine activities. Approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, we often begin counting our blessings, mindful of the many reasons we have to give thanks. This gratitude tends to expand, touching others, and opening their hearts to such feelings of appreciation, as well. It is wise to dwell in this sweet, thoughtful place, rather than to become too caught up in the business of so many holiday preparations and activities.
What a marvelous Celebration we have planned for you this coming Sunday at the Sheraton Great Valley Hotel in Frazer in the Oxford Room!! Our Thanksgiving Celebration begins at 10:30 A.M. and we will be blessed with music from Django Klumpp, classical guitarist, as well as Emily Szal and Jeff Masino, offering songs and leading our community singing. Enjoy our Bountiful Bouquet ceremony, as well as a new ritual: The Gratitude Tree. The music will surely lift your hearts and align you with the sweet, serene opportunity to enter more deeply into this special season. My talk, “If the Only Prayer You Ever Prayed . . .” will be brief, and the service will conclude at 11:45 A.M, in order to continue with a marvelous musical event in the same location. Although the morning will not be livestreamed, you may watch it later in the day by clicking the orange Watch Live button on our website, www.cslphilly.org Additional information can be found as you scroll through the site and notice upcoming classes and events.
An exiting addition to this Sunday is, “An Afternoon of Classical Guitar with Django,” a one-hour concert beginning promptly at Noon with our beloved Django Klumpp, a virtuosic musician returning home to Malvern for the holiday from Rochester, New York, where he is an esteemed performer, teacher and adjunct professor. We are so blessed to have his inspirational, uplifting, heart-opening music, so be sure to plan to be with us and bring family and friends.
Our Practitioners may be found on their page on our website where you may contact any of them for spiritual support. There are times we may become too close to a problem and require the assistance of a Professional Practitioner to bring us to a new perspective.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine