An Affirmative Prayer for: PEACE IN THE WORLD . . . NOW!

Peace in the World . . . Now!

The Infinite Mind and Heart of God, fully present within all Its magnificent creation, is expressing in, through, and as me now.  I am the place where God shows up, the sacred instrument receiving the highest and most profound energies of Love and Wisdom, and radiating this consciousness of the Infinite Possibility of True Peace into my world.

Each beloved expression of Divine Life is also a conduit of the Power of Peace to heal, bless, uplift, and transform.  Through our clear, dedicated, intelligent intentions, confusion is resolved into Clarity, conflict to Compassion, fear to Faith, divisiveness to Unity, and doubt to Confidence.

I now speak my powerful word for true and lasting Peace in the world, cognizant of the Field of Infinite Possibility that instantly accepts my new truth and is already acting upon it. The transformational Power of Love is working in and through all world leaders, as Divine Wisdom guides all to wise decisions and appropriate actions for the greatest good of all sentient beings in this world.

There is nothing to deny this truth, for the Presence of God is the only Power that exists, and the underlying Harmony of the Universe now rises to reveal a greater truth for all.

The revelation of Heaven on earth is the mighty workings of the generosity of Spirit through the accurate and dependable Law of Mind, and each of us is the means through which this “miraculous” activity of Creative Power is unfolding now.

With deep gratitude for the generosity of Spirit, the dependability of the Law, and my confidence in the Word, I release this divine intention to the Creative Intelligence which is already bringing it into fruition.

And so it is.

Rev. Dr. Maxine Kaye


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