Inner Presence, Great and Mighty, Inner Light that shines divinely, Inner Life that lives completely, Inner Joy that smiles serenely, Inner Peace that flows so deeply, Inner Calm, untroubled, happy . . . HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Lord, God within me. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 365-366
As we enter into “Holy Week,” let’s take with us the awareness that the Presence of the Divine within and all around us makes everything HOLY, and that we may use at this time to allow ourselves to move intentionally through the surrender of the ego self to the blossoming of our Authentic Nature. As the Great Teacher approached the crucifixion of the human, preparing for the resurrection of the Divine, he entered purposefully into that which was divinely ordained and proved the Life Eternal.
We truly are walking on Sacred Ground, as we experience our authentic contemplation of the important, internal work we must do in preparation for a celebration of New Life. The Presence of Spirit within us nurtures us and guides us toward the resurrected consciousness and the emergence of our True Nature: Christ in us, God alive in each of us, no matter the name we call It.
We will stream our Good Friday service from 2019 at Noon this Friday, April 15th. This metaphysical interpretation and individual application of the “Seven Last Words of Jesus” intersperses beautiful, classical piano and cello pieces, and offers quiet times of contemplation between each presentation. Click on the Watch button from the at noon or anytime after.
NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 17th, WE WILL GATHER IN PERSON FOR A BEAUTIFUL EASTER CELEBRATION. Bring your family and your friends to a grand celebration at the Oxford Room in the Sheraton Hotel, 707 Lancaster Ave. in Frazer at 10:30 A.M. Come and make this the most wonderful celebration of New Life we have yet experienced. This very special event with wonderful musicians and a lovely place to gather will be the first time we have been with one another in person for a very long time. Please join us for a beautiful Easter Morning Celebration this Sunday! (If you are unable to join us in person, you may view this Celebration online after 3:00 PM on your Facebook or YouTube pages.)
Whenever you may feel too close to a life situation to be able to center and lift yourself above it, just look at the Practitioner Page on our website and contact one with whom you would like to work, as they are ready to assist you in reconnecting with Source, healing personal conditions, or simply lifting your consciousness.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine