Apr. 27, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Like a cloak, His Love is wrapped around me. Like a warm garment, It shelters me from the storms of life.  I feel and know that an Almighty Love envelops me in Its close embrace.  O Love Divine, My Love, how wonderful Thou art.  I am open to receive Thy great blessing.  Love envelops me.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 541

In a few days, we enter the lovely month of May and begin a new theme: “A Nurturing Foundation,” not only celebrating mothers and human parenting, but also entering deeply into the Loving Presence which constantly supports us and all life.  It is as we open our hearts and minds to the tender, powerful, and devoted Presence of Divine Love that we find ourselves capable of relaxing into that which truly nurtures and supports us.  From this place of supreme confidence, we begin living our lives confidently, freely, and successfully.

Continuing to refocus our attention from external concerns to the Kingdom of Heaven, which dwells within us all, anxiety is replaced with calm certainty, and all hesitation to move forward disappears.  We can count on the inspiration and motivation that arises from this place of peaceful possibility, so let’s plan to visit it often and to encourage others to join us there.

As you know, your Board of Trustees continues to monitor the latest guidance from CDC with regard to our ability to meet again in person at our Beloved Center.  We will keep you updated, as we also provide Sunday morning live-streamed Celebrations, classes on Zoom, weekly e-mail inspiration, and Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me. Click the “Watch Live” button on www.cslphilly.org to join in on Sundays, view previous Celebrations and Living Room talks, or just to scroll through our uplifting site.

Our Practitioners and Practitioner Interns may be contacted via our website and stand by to work with you and to guide you with spiritual support. We are here for you.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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