Most of us have heard the expression, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans,” and I recently found that to be true, personally! While visiting my daughter and family in Florida last week, I had a surprise interaction with a hurricane glass sliding door that landed me on the patio floor with a hip fraction. Instead of returning home on Saturday, I had hip surgery, a number of stitches in my forehead, and am now recovering well in a nice rehabilitation facility.
Obviously, I did not return home in time for Sunday’s Celebration, and I am deeply grateful for Rev. Mike and the team of Practitioners and Board members who worked beautifully together to bring us a wonderful Sunday. I had the pleasure of watching from my hospital bed! We all have reason to feel great appreciation for the caring, creative, dedicated people who keep the Core of our Community working smoothly.
I am so thankful for Life and for the Divine Wisdom that continues to direct the whole process, both my personal healing and the forward progress of our Beloved Community. I am peaceful, flexible, and quietly determined to do all my physical therapy that will enable me to return home at the right and perfect time. I am also delighted in the beautiful commitment of our leaders and members who continue assuring the joy and health of our Community.
Join us this Sunday in person or online for the Morning Celebration coming to you from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. Click here to register in advance if you can be with us; otherwise, go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. Completing our April theme of, “Heaven to Earth,” Rev. Mike will be speaking on, “Keeping the High Watch.” Scroll through our site to find more information about us and our philosophy, as well as interesting events and planned activities.
Our Professional Licensed Practitioners are all listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Reaching out to any of them can lift your consciousness, deepen your faith, and establish happier, healthier conditions in your life.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine