Yesterday’s Total Eclipse of the Sun was a wonderful event that brought so many people together to share a rare astronomical occurrence. What a great opportunity to join in raising our sights and our consciousness from the everyday experiences to such awe and delight, no matter how little or much of it we were able to witness.
It is in the communal uplifting of our vision that we are able, individually and collectively, to leave behind thoughts of limitation and feelings of separateness. It is during such auspicious happenings that we are able to deepen our trust in the Infinite and in one another. As we soar above the mundane, thrilling to the spectacular, we are changed for good, and the memories have the energy to keep us moving forward in our commitment to do what is ours to do.
We are better together and even more wonderfully successful when we keep our arms around each other and let Spirit shine through us all in Love and Wisdom. There will be infinite opportunities for us to connect deeply with the Divine and lift up each other.
Join us this Sunday for our in-person Morning Celebration at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. Just go to our website to register or just click here, so we know how many people to accommodate, and we do recommend carpooling. Those not attending in person may simply go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button at 10:30 A.M. Continuing our April theme of, “Heaven on Earth,” I’ll be speaking on, “Trusting the Universe.” On the site, you will also find more information about us and our philosophy, as well as interesting events and planned activities.
Whenever a challenge may appear in your life that seems difficult to handle on your own, you may reach out to a Professional Licensed Practitioner, listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Whomever you select will be happy to work with you, pray with you, and assist you in clearing up and raising your consciousness.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine