Aug 11, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

We speak into our words the intelligence which we are and, backed by that greater Intelligence of the Universal Mind, our word becomes a law unto the thing for which it is spoken. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 304

We have established in our awareness the Presence and Power of Divine Life and Its expression in, through, and as each one of us.  Now, we realize the necessity of using the Power for Good . . . for great good!  It is in affirming Truth in each external condition and transforming inner emotional conflicts and erroneous mental barriers that we finally become those pure instruments of Divine Activity. How wonderful it is to realize that the Infinite Intelligence of this universe is forever active within us and ready to take the form to which we set our intention.

Having become aware of inequality in our human world, injustices that must be addressed, and harm that we now can heal, we set our intentions, individually and collectively, to speak for equality, compassion, fairness, and wholeness. We choose to  alter all previous misuse of the Law of Mind is  into a healthy, clear, constructive, new direction. Together, we are a dynamic force for Good, ready to walk through all circumstances with the realization that this is an intelligent use of Intelligence,  that we are the change agents, and that Love is the greatest Power in the universe.

Tonight, we continue the four-week Discovery Class on Zoom, connecting heart-to-heart with curious, interested and interesting people who are taking a deeper dive into New Thought history, basic Principles of Science of Mind, and their effective application.  There is no charge for this course, and love offerings are always welcome.  If you contact Linda O’Neill at  RIGHT AWAY, you may still be able to receive the bountiful handout and print it out for tonight. We meet from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. and provide opportunities to connect with each other and to ask questions.  If you choose to join us, it should be simple to catch up.


You may join our live streaming Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, Our theme for August is: “Walking Each Other Home in Five Steps,” and this Sunday’s topic is, “Setting Conscious Intentions.” Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, August 19th to participate in our third loving and powerful shared discussion with Center of Peace in Philadelphia and CSL Delaware.  We have been addressing ways to come together with conscious love and respect to deepen our understanding of one another and to bring a greater idea of True Community into a World That Works for All.

Our Practitioners are always ready to assist you with any challenges or “growth opportunities.” They are listed on the website, along with archived Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and financial support. You make a difference!

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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