This awakening is a process of evolution, a little here and a little there, until the whole eye is opened and we see that life is neither separate from God nor different from God. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 487
We travel this path of spiritual evolution at our own rate and in the way that is most suited to us along each step of the journey. Not only individuals, but the entire human race, moves through various “kingdoms of consciousness” until the Light Truth dawns that we already one with the One. The highways and byways of our exploration are necessary to this ultimate discovery, and it can be helpful to understand the various stages of growth that take us to this spiritual awareness.
Rather than entering into discouragement or disparagement when we feel ourselves somehow lagging in our progress, let’s realize each step in our forward movement is necessary and appropriate. We may honor and appreciate our current place in consciousness, learn and grow through it, and take the next opportunity to move closer to our Divine Reality.
Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M., and invite your friends to experience our live stream Celebration from the Inspiration Café in Paoli. The theme for the month of August is, “Loving the World to Wholeness,” and this week’s topic will be, “From Four Kingdoms to One.” When you go to our website, click on the orange “Watch Live” button, and you will be taken to our YouTube channel or click here for our Facebook page. Looking through the other pages on this site, you’ll find Events, archived Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes, and many other interesting pages.
Although we are all “practitioners” when we employ the principles of this teaching, we may find ourselves too close to a life challenge to deal with it alone. This is the time to reach out for spiritual support, and our Professional Practitioners are ready and willing to help you move to a deeper understanding and higher consciousness. You will find them on the Practitioner Page of our website.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine