August 20, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Reverend Mike and I are on our way to Chicago today, returning late Friday night, and certainly taking you with us in our hearts. Isn’t it good to know that, just as we are constantly connected to Spirit, so we are always united with you heart-to-heart, our Beloved Community. I so love how beautifully we work and play together and how brightly we visioned together to allow gracious movement to a place we may gather until we relocate to one of our own. The vision is becoming tangible.

This is how the Creative Process works, whether individually or collectively, and we enthusiastically welcome the outward manifestation of the internal spiritual prototype we have designed. As satisfying as it is to work on our own in consciousness, the delight of joining with bright, creative, deeply connected people brings the greatest joy and most beautiful success in all we do.

Join us virtually next Sunday, as we conclude the month’s theme of, “Venturing In; Venturing Out,” streamed from the Inspiration Café in Paoli. Just go to and press the orange “Watch Now” button. I’ll be speaking on, “Making the Vision Real.” As you may know, we begin our Thursday night in-person Celebrations on September 12th in the beautiful sanctuary of the United Church of Christ Valley Forge and so look forward to gathering with you there. (More details to come.)

Whenever we find ourselves too close to a problem, we are wise to reach out for spiritual support from a Licensed Professional Practitioner, all of whom may be found on the Practitioner Page of our website. Get to know them, and consider contacting any of them to schedule an appointment, either in person or on the telephone. Do scroll through our website to learn of many wonderful events, classes, and activities coming up, and consider participating in our two Sunday Discovery Class on September 22nd and 29th, or click here for all the details.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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