August 2024 BoT SPOT

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

I have always loved Walt Disney! My entire life, I have not been able to listen to “When You Wish Upon a Star” without welling up with a sense of renewed inspiration and, of course, joyful tears. As an individual practicing Science of Mind, I interpret the words differently than I did as a child. Today, when I listen to the song, I recognize the “star” as a symbol of Greater Consciousness. By my “wishing” upon “It”, I connect with something bigger than myself where the Truth of Light, Love, Life, Beauty, Peace, Power, and Joy reside in fullness. In doing so, I become open to “the Fate” that will “see me through” to the greater experience I desire.

I remember my first experience attending a Sunday Celebration at GPCSL. For months, maybe years, I felt that same sort of inspiration, connection and tears every Sunday. For many years, I focused on learning and practicing the teaching. My outlook and experiences were undeniably improved as a result even in the face of significant loss and challenges. As a result, I became committed to supporting the Center by sharing my time, treasure, and talent, with the desire for others to have the same opportunity and experience. It started out with my becoming a Greeter. Later, I was moved to become a Youth Group teacher, Prosperity Team member, AV assistant, and twice Board of Trustee and then President.

My current term as President is ending come this September. Over the last three years, my “wish” has been to see the Center not just survive but thrive! We have accomplished so much!!! The Center is financially sound with no accounts payable and entering into a new opportunity to grow our in-person and virtual communities by leasing space at the United Church of Christ at Valley Forge (UCCVF) at 45 Walker Road, in Wayne, PA. We’ll meet every Thursday evening (6:30pm Meditation / 7:00pm Celebration) in their lovely sanctuary and broadcast the recording of the Celebration each Sunday at our usual 10:30am ET on Facebook and YouTube.

We will also enjoy one in-person Sunday afternoon per month (initially) in their Fellowship Hall for classes, workshops, drum circles, games, and so much more. In fact, please mark your calendar for our Annual Community Meeting on Sunday, September 15th at the United Church of Christ. Doors open at 3pm, and the meeting will start at 3:30pm Eastern Time. Zoom will be made available to those not able to attend in-person.

I LOVE the idea of this new location for a few reasons.

1. UNITY: Our partnership with UCCVF is a true demonstration of walking our talk! We believe in honoring the truth in various faith traditions and there being many paths to the One. The folks at UCCVF are welcoming and share this philosophy.

2. COMMUNITY: The space is not only beautiful but also large and facilitates our having live music! Additionally, there are classrooms available for youth and teens to meet.

3. GROWTH: All of those attributes will help us get the bunch of us back together again and open our doors to new folks and families!

Clearly, Fate has stepped in and seen us through!

Members and Friends: Your engagement and financial support imbue GPCSL’s “dream” of Unity, Community, and Growth with momentum and countless opportunities for us and others to realize “anything our heart’s desire”.

I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the amazing people (Board members: Payson V.P., Monay Trustee, Suzanne, Secretary, and Dr. Maxine; Linda, Office Mgr., and, Triple A team – John and Karen, Treasurer) I have worked with. Their unwavering and joy-filled commitment to the Center is deeply appreciated. It has been an honor and privilege to service as the GPCSL Board President. Thank you, from the center of my heart to these folks and our community at large for all you are and do!

In gratitude and great love.

Edie Janik

GPCSL Board President