August 27: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

How we delight in using the Creative Process to bring about peace and plenty, love and wisdom, health and prosperity into our lives and into the world itself. It is as we “unlearn the wisdom of the world,” as Ralph Waldo Emerson suggested, that we become free to learn a greater Truth, to use the Power for Good for good, and to support one another in remaining in Principle when we may become too involved in externals.

This has always been a teaching philosophy, stressing our ability to deepen our connection to Source, to learn how to keep our consciousness elevated, and to speak Truth, rather than error. Our Beloved Center’s purpose statement, “Living, Loving, Learning: Spirituality That Works,” continues to be a guiding light in our spiritual evolutionary pursuits. The best part of this is how beautifully we support each other on the journey. We are all lifelong students, discovering deeper levels of Wisdom and joyfully sharing it with one another.

Join us IN PERSON next Sunday at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA, as we begin the month of September and its theme, “Learn, Teach, Transform.” Or, you may join us online by going to and pressing the “Watch Now” button. My talk will address: “The Act of Unlearning.” This will be the last in- person Celebration here, and our next one will be on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th at the United Church of Christ Valley Forge in Wayne, PA. Come at 6:30 for Meditation, as we prepare for our 7:00 P.M. Celebration in their lovely Sanctuary. All our Thursday gatherings will be streamed on Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M., as usual.

Licensed Professional Practitioners are listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. You may contact any of them to schedule an appointment, either in person or on the telephone. There are times when we are wise to reach out for spiritual support.

As you scroll through our website, you will discover many events, classes, and activities in which you may wish to participate. Do consider our two Sunday Discovery Class on September 22nd and 29th whether you are considering membership or have been a part of our Center for a long time.  Click here for more information and to register.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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