Author Archives: L ONeill

Dec. 17, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Whether or not all the greeting cards have been sent, decorations are up, gifts wrapped, meals and baked goods planned, etc., we are just about a week away from Christmas and Hanukkah!  Sometimes, simply enjoying the lights and décor of our neighbors or downtown merchants seems sufficient to bring a smile to our faces.  You see, it can be wonderful to let others delight us, not always needing to be the ones who bring the joy.

After all, each giver requires a receiver, so everyone is blessed when we open our hearts to each other and let the Divine Circulation flow! As we relax into the sweetness of the season, we encourage each other to enter more deeply into happiness, especially when difficult circumstances may be present. Let’s all add to one another’s wellbeing, greet everyone with an authentic desire for hearts to be lifted and goodwill to prevail.

Be sure to attend our Thursday Celebration this week, as two beautiful practitioners and dear friends from Center of Peace share the pulpit at UCCVF, speaking on, “A New and Glorious Morn!”  Hazel Spears and Zulma Gonzales have just returned from a marvelous, Spirit-filled adventure in Egypt and have much to share with you, while Rev. Mike and I spend a few days in Bethlehem (PA!) A very special evening is planned for you, so arrive at 6:30, if you wish to join in the Meditation, then enjoy a beautiful evening in the Sanctuary at 7:00 P.M.  Of course, it will be aired on our website www.cslphillyorg next Sunday at 10:30 A.M.

Our Annual Winter Solstice this Saturday, December 21st, is a MUST-SEE, as five bright and caring interfaith leaders will present their faith tradition’s views on “Honor the Darkness; Rejoice in the Light,” and Ray Adkins and Jim Wade will thrill us with their music.  Doors to the Sanctuary open at 6:00, and it begins at 6:30 P.M. with delicious refreshments following.

Although we are all able to contact our Source and work prayerfully through challenges, our practitioners are always standing by to assist when we may be too close to a problem. Contact any of them on our Practitioner Page to receive spiritual mind treatment and a raising of consciousness.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Dec. 10, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Wow! What an amazing group of celebrations we enjoyed last Sunday afternoon in UCC Fellowship Hall. It began with a memorable glance back at the genesis of our Center, thirty-two years ago, including messages from Dr. Gwen Gillespie, Dr. Bob Deen, and Rev. Jackie Dougherty.

Then, we received three beautiful members, one in person, and two out of state. The rededication of our Practitioners included receiving their new stoles, badges, and service pins. Those out of the area were part of the ceremony by Zoom. Rev. Mike was duly installed as Assistant Minister, and my tenth anniversary with GPCSL was lovingly acknowledged. What a marvelously meaningful and moving day! Thanks to all who brought it together.

Remember the Bountiful Bouquet you designed by bringing your individual flowers to the empty basket at our Thanksgiving Eve Celebration? This demonstrated clearly what we can create together when we each bring our own hearts, minds, and gifts to one another. We have arrived at a new place in consciousness where we are ready to move with confidence and joy into the next chapter of the Greater Center for Spiritual Living, and Rev. Mike and will do our best to keep up with you, as we do!

Our next amazing event will be the Annual Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21st, in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M., featuring many faith traditions and wonderful music, followed by refreshments in the Gathering Place. This is the actual date of the Winter Solstice, and we honor both the darkness and the emerging Light. Let’s celebrate it together.

Our weekly Thursday Celebration takes place at 7:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary, we gather in the Sanctuary, this week’s topic being, “Seeing Through God Goggles.” It is as we rise above human interpretations and judgements that we are able to align our consciousness with the Divine and begin to see things from a higher perspective. Be with us if you are local or tune in on Sunday morning, December 15th at 10:30 A.M. at

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners provide spiritual support for your human concerns. Their page on our website provides all their contact information, so select any of them for assistance.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Dec. 3, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Thanks to all who made last Wednesday’s “Evening of Gratitude and Community” such a wonderful experience! The sanctuary was filled with gorgeous music, beautiful flowers, and loving, grateful people whose hearts were open to Spirit and to one another. The “feast” that followed was magnificent, not only because of the amazing dishes you all brought, but also because of the laughter and deep connections we shared with each other. I continue to hear, “Let’s do more of this!”

Now, we have entered the delightful holiday month of December, enjoying the festive decorations, and looking forward to Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations. This is the first time in a long time that both holidays are on December 25th, that being the first day of the eight Days of Light. We have so much to celebrate this month.

On Sunday, December 8th, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM we will meet in UCC’s Fellowship Hall to acknowledge GPCSL’s 32nd anniversary, receive new members, rededicate our practitioners, and officially install Rev. Mike as Assistant Minister (click here to let us know you will be joining us).

Then, on Saturday, December 21st, our annual Winter Solstice will again take place in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M., featuring many faith traditions and wonderful music, followed by refreshments in the Gathering Place. This is the actual date of the Winter Solstice, and we celebrate both the darkness and the emerging Light.

This Thursday, at 7:00 P.M., we gather in the Sanctuary, focusing on the month’s theme: “Release, Reframe, Rejoice,” as we “Let It Go and Let it Be.” This is the time to reflect on the past year, gratefully complete what has been, see events from a higher perspective, and enter joyfully into the celebration of a new birth within our own hearts. Be with us if you are local, and tune in on Sunday morning, December 8th via our website at 10:30 A.M. if you are in another area.

Challenges occur in our human experience, and we are wise to turn to our Licensed Practitioners for spiritual support when they do. Their page on our website provides all their contact information, so whomever you select will be glad to schedule an appointment in person or on the telephone.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Nov. 26, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

There are two words in Greek for the concept of “time” . . . one is Kronos (chronological time) and the other is Kairos (the appointed, or opportune time.) The first is humanly-devised and the second is divinely-established, as there truly is neither time nor space in the Mind of God. An ancient name for humans from the Indo-European language translates to, “Man, the measurer,” meaning that it is we who have created the idea of time and space.

We have the ability to move beyond the constricts of “time,” live more fully in the Now, and enjoy “momentous moments” and joyful experiences, no matter when or where we choose for them to occur. For instance, this week, we have moved our Thursday Gathering to Wednesday, and you’ll want to read below and make plans to shift your Kronos to your Kairos, as this is definitely the divine, appointed, opportune time! See you there.

Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30 P.M. for “An Evening of Gratitude and Community.” This Thanksgiving Eve, we are offering a shorter Celebration of thankfulness, including gorgeous, guitar and harp music and our beautiful, bodacious, Bountiful Bouquet ritual, then gathering at about 7:15 in Fellowship Hall for a shared feast. Bring a dish if you wish, but please know there will be plenty of food and uplifting camaraderie for our community and beyond.  This will replace our regular Thursday night Celebration, since that is Thanksgiving, and there will be no pre-Celebration Meditation that evening. Keep in mind that we will begin in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M. and that you may bring food items between 5:00 and 5:30 into the Fellowship Hall. (click here to register or just come). The 6:30 Celebration will be streamed, as usual, on Sunday morning, December 1st by tuning in via our website at 10:30 A.M. by tuning in via our website .

Whenever we may be experiencing a challenge, we are grateful to be able to turn to our Licensed Practitioners for spiritual support. Our Practitioner Page provides all their contact information, so whomever you select will be glad to schedule an appointment in person or on the telephone. You may also place a request in our Prayer Chest after our regular Celebrations.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Nov. 19, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

“In all things, give thanks!” This abbreviated version of Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to keep a light and happy heart, silently (or audibly) singing God’s praises in any and all circumstances. Please remember that “GRATITUDE IS CAUSITIVE” and that, rather than waiting until something good comes along that we can appreciate, we find that a thankful heart actually draws good to us! Let’s all continue giving thanks in advance.

Rev. Mike and I count you high among our blessings, and delight in sharing community with you in so many ways, learning and growing together, laughing and weeping with each other, and sharing this life adventure.  We could not do this without you, so please know how important each one of you is to us, whether you are part of our local Community or participate with us from another geographical area.  We are all “family,” and precious to each other.

Be with us in person this Thursday night, November 21st (or the following Sunday morning online) for our presentation on, “Enough to Share; Enough to Spare.” It will be our regular order of service with our Practitioner of the Day offering the 6:30 Meditation in the Meditation Room and the 7:00 P.M. Celebration which will be streamed, as usual, on Sunday morning, November 24th. Just go to to watch at 10:30 A.M.

Please join us on Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30 P.M. for “An Evening of Gratitude and Community.  On Thanksgiving Eve, we will offer a shorter Celebration of thankfulness, including gorgeous music and our beautiful, bodacious, Bountiful Bouquet ritual, then gather at about 7:15 in Fellowship Hall for a shared feast. Bring a dish if you wish, but please know there will be plenty of food and uplifting camaraderie for our community and beyond. This will replace our regular Thursday night Celebration, since that is Thanksgiving, and there will be no pre-Celebration Meditation that evening. Keep in mind that we begin in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M. that evening and that you may bring food items between 5:00 and 5:30 into the Fellowship Hall. Meditation Room. Click here to let us know you can join us! Be sure to invite family and friends. All are Welcome!  And the 6:30 P.M. Celebration will be streamed, as usual, on Sunday morning, December 1st by tuning in via our website at 10:30 A.M.

Our Licensed Practitioners are always happy to work with you, either to help you through a challenge, to manifest something wonderful in your life, or simply to assist you in learning the principles of Science of Mind that we use in our personal and collective lives.  Contact any of them on the Practitioner Page of our website, enjoy a brief meeting with one of them after a Thursday Celebration, or place a request for treatment in the Prayer Chest that night.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine