Dear Ones,
Whether or not all the greeting cards have been sent, decorations are up, gifts wrapped, meals and baked goods planned, etc., we are just about a week away from Christmas and Hanukkah! Sometimes, simply enjoying the lights and décor of our neighbors or downtown merchants seems sufficient to bring a smile to our faces. You see, it can be wonderful to let others delight us, not always needing to be the ones who bring the joy.
After all, each giver requires a receiver, so everyone is blessed when we open our hearts to each other and let the Divine Circulation flow! As we relax into the sweetness of the season, we encourage each other to enter more deeply into happiness, especially when difficult circumstances may be present. Let’s all add to one another’s wellbeing, greet everyone with an authentic desire for hearts to be lifted and goodwill to prevail.
Be sure to attend our Thursday Celebration this week, as two beautiful practitioners and dear friends from Center of Peace share the pulpit at UCCVF, speaking on, “A New and Glorious Morn!” Hazel Spears and Zulma Gonzales have just returned from a marvelous, Spirit-filled adventure in Egypt and have much to share with you, while Rev. Mike and I spend a few days in Bethlehem (PA!) A very special evening is planned for you, so arrive at 6:30, if you wish to join in the Meditation, then enjoy a beautiful evening in the Sanctuary at 7:00 P.M. Of course, it will be aired on our website www.cslphillyorg next Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Our Annual Winter Solstice this Saturday, December 21st, is a MUST-SEE, as five bright and caring interfaith leaders will present their faith tradition’s views on “Honor the Darkness; Rejoice in the Light,” and Ray Adkins and Jim Wade will thrill us with their music. Doors to the Sanctuary open at 6:00, and it begins at 6:30 P.M. with delicious refreshments following.
Although we are all able to contact our Source and work prayerfully through challenges, our practitioners are always standing by to assist when we may be too close to a problem. Contact any of them on our Practitioner Page to receive spiritual mind treatment and a raising of consciousness.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine