Author Archives: L ONeill

FEb. 18, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

First, a grateful “shout-out” to our Healing Ministry, Emcee, Music Director, and A/V people- who beautifully conducted and presented “Practitioner Sunday” this past week, while Rev. Mike and I were with family in Florida for the weekend. We return today, as proud of our “God Squad” as we are of our Eagles! We have focused on “Love as Service” all month and will complete this theme next Sunday with, “Keep It Flowing,” as we have a clear intention to continue touching that Deep Center of Infinite Love and sharing it indiscriminately with others.

Just as we read in Matthew that “. . . the rain falls on the just and the unjust,” we do not ration our compassion only to those we approve of or agree with, any more than Divine Love judges or discriminates. Needing a worthy recipient of our care and attention makes no more sense than God withholding blessings from anyone.

We have focused clearly as a Beloved Community on the joy of radiating Divine Love from our hearts to all the world without question of deservability or requirement of reciprocity. Love IS service, and the more we share this joyful essence, the greater our sense of fulfillment we experience. This is our opportunity to KEEP IT FLOWING!

Be with us this Sunday at 1:00 P.M. EST at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, where we share facilities with our good neighbors, the United Church of Christ Valley Forge. You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website at 1:00 P.M. and click on the orange Watch Online button.

Our Licensed Practitioners are ready and willing to assist you in working through any challenges, as they listen with an open heart and lift your consciousness through Spiritual Mind Treatment. You may request a telephone or in-person appointment with any of them, and they are found on our Practitioner Page.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

Feb. 11, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Of course, we must begin this message with a huge shout-out to our victorious Eagles, who are Super Bowl LIX Champions! One of our astute members was certain that their win had something to with how gloriously we raised our voices to “Fly, Eagles, Fly!” at the conclusion of our recent Sunday Celebration!

Don’t you love how we refer to our services as “Celebrations!” We do go about celebrating the Divine Life that joyously expresses in, through, and as each of us. In this Month of Love, where we are focusing on “Love is Service,” we understand that each of us truly is a Recirculating Fountain of Love, sharing God’s Compassionate, Life-Giving Presence with everyone we encounter.

With Valentine’s Day approaching, let’s extend our heart-felt blessings to all in our world, understanding that touching and elevating others (and there truly is no “other”) brings great joy to everyone. A full heart must allow its overflow to embrace, inspire, and encourage anyone we meet to feel that Holy Presence of Love, as it is in the sharing that it is actualized.

This Sunday, you’ll have an opportunity to get to know our Licensed Professional Practitioners better, as they provide inspiration for the entire service, speaking on, “The Joy of Lifting Others.”  You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website and clicking on the orange Watch Online button at 1:00 P.M. ET. Come in person to 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, where we share facilities with the United Church of Christ Valley Forge. You may request a “One Minute Miracle” with any of the Practitioners after Celebration or make an in-person or telephone appointment. They are the Healing Arm of our Center, our “God Squad!”

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

Feb. 4, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

This month theme, “Love is Service” reminds us that Love is both an Indwelling Essence and a conscious, caring practice. The Presence of Divine Love within all life must be actualized through intentional, externalized action. As we become increasingly aware of the continued movement toward hatred, vengeance, and deep division around us, we are called to dive even more deeply into Source, touching that Healing Chord of Love. It is from this place of Infinite Love and Wisdom that we are guided into the actions of Love that uplift the human consciousness and condition.

Sustaining our insistence of respect and appreciation for all the beautiful ways Spirit expresses Itself in humanity, we lift our brothers and sisters in Unity. Understanding that God is not only within all people, but essentially manifests Itself through all Its beloved creations, we all rise to a greater Truth, walking in union with our neighbors. Love is still the answer, and It always will be. Truly, “We were made for these times!”

Be with us this Sunday at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, as all the local Eagles fans prepare a winning consciousness for the afternoon’s Super Bowl game! You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website at 1:00 P.M. for Sunday’s topic, “God In Me, As Me, Through Me.”

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners provide spiritual tools for personal and global support and solutions. God is always the answer, no matter what the question or concern may be. Look them up on the Practitioner Page of our website; whomever you contact will meet you in consciousness and invite Infinite Wisdom to show you greater opportunities.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

Jan. 28, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

How do we bring Love into unlovely conditions? Not by fighting the situation, nor by blaming or complaining about it, as such a stance is the antithesis of Love. Rather, we raise our vision to the highest possible level, being willing to gain a new perspective, and agreeing to become aligned with Divine Harmony. Then, the shift to Love and Compassion becomes an easier transition.

This is the “month of love,” and we wisely choose to travel beyond the Valentine mindset and arrive at a holy place of deep, authentic caring for one another and for the world itself. As we rise up to the Presence of Divine Love, within and all around us, we begin to see the joy of deliberately and generously letting that Love flow to all, with no reservations. From this place of Authentic Love, everyone is lifted up in Unity.

Since the church is not available to us on Sunday, February 2nd, we will be meeting this Thursday at 6:30 P.M. at the United Church of Christ at 45 Walker Rd. in Wayne. You may wish to come to the Meditation Room at 6:30 to join the Practitioner of the Day, prior to the 7:00 P.M. Celebration in the Sanctuary. You may also join us on YouTube by visiting our website Our Thursday Celebration will be restreamed on Sunday, February 2nd at 10:30 AM ET and the new monthly theme for February, “Love is Service,” begins with the topic, “The Power of Love.” Join us in person this Thursday, then watch and listen next Sunday, 10:30 AM ET on our YouTube channel.

When we find troubling experiences or confusion, it may be time to turn to one of our Licensed Professional Practitioners for spiritual support. You will find that meeting in person or on the telephone clears the temporary challenge and lifts your consciousness to a higher level. They also honor your requests placed in the Prayer Chest. Look them up on the Practitioner Page of our website.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

Jan. 21, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

This past weekend, we honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., born January 15, 1929. Dr. King would have been ninety-six, had his life not been cut short at thirty-nine. Today, we celebrate Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, who was born on January 21, 1887 and passed on peacefully in 1960 at age seventy-three. Both these beautiful souls inspired us to raise our consciousness to greater heights and to embrace a higher truth for ourselves and for humanity.

Today, we continue building on the core values of human dignity and spiritual evolution for all.  As Dr. Holmes stated, “There is a Power for Good in the Universe, and you can use It.” More importantly, we realize that “There is a Power for Good in the Universe, greater than we are, and It can use us!” We are so grateful to be those who continue doing our part to lift ourselves and everyone to the greatest expression of Wisdom and Compassion. The weather this week may be freezing cold, but there is the Fire of Love warming our hearts!

Our theme for 2025 is, “Deeper Understanding; Greater Aliveness.” This Sunday, January 26th, we will complete our review of the basics of our teaching, as found in the first four introductory chapters of Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind.  We will be addressing the question, “What is Mine to Do,” and it’s based on Introductory Chapter IV. Join us this Sunday at the United Church of Christ at 45 Walker Rd. in Wayne. You may wish to come to the Meditation Room at 1:00 P.M. to join our Practitioner of the Day, prior to the 1:30 P.M. Celebration in the Sanctuary. You may also join us on YouTube by visiting our website

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners are available for spiritual support and can meet with you in person or on the phone. They also honor your requests placed in the Prayer Chest. Look them up on the Practitioner Page of our website.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine