Category Archives: Latest News

Oct. 15, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Yes, we are all committed to a New Vision of a World That Works for All, each of us doing what we are called to do, both spiritually and materially, to bring this about IN OUR LIFETIME. It usually takes a willingness to see and do things differently than what was deemed to be “the norm” in times past, so let’s begin observing from a different perspective and watch ourselves become more the Authentic Self.

What may have been seen as “outrageous” for women to show their keen ability to work in professions typically reserved for men is now nearly universally accepted. People of ethnicities and faith traditions unlike the average population of a town still may experience some “othering,” but we are better educated and informed about the beauty of their history and experiences than ever before. “The times they are a-changing,” and it is those conscious, caring souls transforming their perceptions that are moving us forward.

We have a marvelous evening planned for you this Thursday, October 17th with Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh from CSL North Jersey. We will meet as usual in the Sanctuary of the United Church of Christ, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M.  Rev. Michelle and our Music Director, Ray Adkins, have a long history of working together and are planning an exciting evening for you. Her topic will be, “Coloring Outside the Lines,” and I know of no one who has lived her life in this manner any more effectively than this wise, charming, and audacious “Jersey Girl!” 

The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. You may access this and previous Celebrations by going to our website: and clicking on the orange Watch Now button.

Check out the Practitioner Page on our website to connect with one of our trained Licensed Practitioners to help you through any challenges you may be experiencing. They not only help to transform consciousness but assist you in deepening your understanding of our Principles.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 8, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

It was Henry David Thoreau who said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” It is wisest to begin each creative process firmly aware of the Creative Intelligence that is the Source of all; however, if we have relied solely on our own intellect, this is the time to return to Divine Wisdom to solidify the vision.

The Divine Presence is the firm foundation upon which all our endeavors are to be constructed, if we expect healthy and rewarding results. God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omni-active, “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Let’s erect all our intentions, hearts’ desires, spiritual prototypes, and goals upon this reliable and supportive base, grateful for the Source’s steadfastness.

Please join us in person this Thursday, October 10th for an evening of music, inspiration, and shared refreshments and community at United Church of Christ at Valley Forge (CCVF), 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA begin, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. We are ready to expand these warm and wonderful in-person gatherings by welcoming more beautiful people from the community. We so appreciate Ray Adkins’ uplifting music, the inspiring meditations, prayer, and presentations. Generous folks have been bringing sweet and savory treats to share at Fellowship time, where we connect with each other and enjoy refreshments and conversation.

The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. You will find us by going to and click on the orange Watch Online button. This week’s topic, “Building on a Firm Foundation,” is an essential part of our October theme, “A New Vision.”

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners of Science of Mind are listed on the Practitioner Page of our website and stand ready to assist you in moving from any sense of lack or limitation to a greater sense of freedom.  Whomever you choose to contact will work with you in confidence and compassion.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 1, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

As our Jewish friends begin the sacred observation of Rosh Hashana tomorrow night, we may also enter into the experience of a fresh approach to a “new year.” Of course, any time we begin something beyond what we have previously known and experienced, it is essential to release that which has been, in order to make way for a greater idea. Change is not always comfortable but certainly necessary for innovative ideas and practices.

Perhaps it was “always done that way,” but we mustn’t cling to old modalities of thinking or believing, if we are to experience more freedom and greater joy. Recycling material things reminds us of the necessity of recirculating ideas, in order to come closer to Truth. We read in Luke that Jesus suggested we should not put “new wine in old wineskins,” indicating that the previous forms or patterns cannot successfully hold the grander belief system. We are wise to release that which has been and live in the powerful moment of Now!

Please join us in person this Thursday evening, October 3rd at our, lovely, shared at UCCVF, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA begin, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. We have been loving our in-person gatherings with uplifting music by Ray Adkins, inspiring meditation, prayer, and presentations. We all enjoy Hospitality time after Celebration, where we connect with each other and share refreshments and conversation. The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. You will find us by clicking on the orange Watch Online button at

The theme for the month of October is, “A New Vision,” and what a perfect focus this is for our shared intention to reach out into the greater community and “provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation.” This Thursday’s topic is, “Yesterday Ended Last Night,” a good reminder of the necessity to release the former, as we co-create the new.

Next Sunday afternoon, October 6th, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a very special “Sacred Healing Service from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. This provides a warm and loving environment in which we may clear out limiting beliefs in the subjective mind and free ourselves to a greater expression of livingness, using the very effective “Fear-to-Faith” process familiar to many of us. Please register by clicking here or on the “Events” page of our website.

We are all “practitioners” of Science of Mind, as we learn and practice the steps of Affirmative Prayer. Our Licensed Practitioners are always ready to assist you through challenges or simply help you to lift and expand your consciousness. You will find them on their dedicated page on our website.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Sept. 24, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

The Master Teacher, Jesus, said: “I, of myself, do nothing. It is the Father within who doeth the works.” His realization and conscious awareness of God’s Presence within was so personal that he called It, “Abba,” the Hebrew word for “father.” As he understood that this Presence worked through him, so we must realize that this Divine Presence is the very life from which we came and It is that upon which we may rely for our constant support, nurture, guidance, and creativity.

It is as we listen with the Ear of our Heart to the voice of Spirit within that we are inspired to set valuable intentions and allow that Presence to manifest them beautifully through us. If we are to support the transformation of the world, we must begin by preparing ourselves to become clear instruments of Spirit’s activity, individually and collectively.

Please join us in person this Thursday evening, September 26th  at our new, shared location at the United Church of Christ at Valley Forge, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA begin, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. We have an inspiring evening for you of music with Ray Adkins, meditation, and prayer, as we focus on, “Spirit’s Transformative Power.” We love our new location and so enjoy Hospitality time after Celebration, where we connect with each other and share refreshments and conversation. The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person.

Tonight we begin our six-week CSL Accredited Class on Zoom: “Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life” on six consecutive Tuesdays, beginning at 6:30 and concluding at 9:00 P.M. You may still register. Click here for more information and to register.

The next Sunday afternoon gathering in the Fellowship Hall will be on Sunday, October 5th at 3:00 P.M. for a “Sacred Healing Service.” This is a wonderful opportunity to clear out any limiting beliefs in the subjective mind and free ourselves to a greater expression of livingness. We will use the very effective “Fear-to-Faith” process familiar to many of us. Here’s the link to let us know you can join us.

As we teach, learn, and practice the Principles of Science of Mind, we all learn to prayer affirmatively, using Spiritual Mind Treatment. We encourage you to continue this transformational practice. Still, there are times when we may find ourselves too close to a problem for effective treatments. This is the time to go to our Practitioner Page and select one of those fine people to work with you.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Sept. 17. 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

During confusing times, or dealing with challenging situations, we understand that we have the power and the wisdom to rise above every circumstance and bring our own loving and creative energy to transform our perspective and uplift the environment itself. Whenever we sense conflict, we may meet it with compassion and find caring and connection in its place.

We have the beautiful ability to raise others in mind and heart, as we determine to behold the Authentic Self of everyone we meet, bringing joy to everyone, as we acknowledge one another’s beauty. Having all been created out of the One Life, we remember that we are interrelated with each other and can lift and be lifted to a greater awareness of Who and Whose we are. As we look past human frailty and error, perceive the Beloved within all beings, and re-discover their Divinity, we are all raised to a greater experience of joy and aliveness.

Please join us in person this Thursday evening, September 19th at our new, shared location at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA begin, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. You will love our new Music Director, Ray Adkins, as he brings so much beauty and warmth to our gatherings. Our topic will be “Raising Each Other Up,” and the evening will be recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. Everyone present for our very first Celebration last Thursday enjoyed lovely refreshments and rich conversation afterward during Hospitality time. We invite you to add to the festivities by your attendance, as well as by bringing goodies to share.

The next Sunday afternoon gathering in the Fellowship Hall will be on Sunday, October 6th at 3:00 P.M. for a “Sacred Healing Service.” This is a wonderful opportunity to clear out any limiting beliefs in the subjective mind and free ourselves to a greater expression of livingness. We will use the very effective “Fear-to-Faith” process familiar to many of us.

Consider joining us on Zoom from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. on two consecutive Sundays: September 22nd and 29th for the Discovery Class, in which we review the principles and history of Science of Mind, as well as get to know one another better. This is a requirement for those interested in membership, as well as an opportunity for friends and long-time members to become better acquainted. A beautiful booklet will be emailed to you upon registration, and this is a non-tuition class. Click here for more information.

For anyone ready to dive into an accredited class on Science of Mind, do consider signing up for the Zoom class: “Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life” on six consecutive Tuesdays, beginning next Tuesday, September 24th from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Click here for more information and to register.

Check out the Practitioner Page of our website, to choose one of our caring people who are trained in the art and science of Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer.) You make a telephone or in-person appointment.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine