Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sept 22, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

If we could give up our diseases — offer them on the alter of faith to the Giver of all life — we would be healed.  It is not easy to release our troubles; we are prone to linger with them. But, by effectual and fervent prayer, we gradually loose false thought into the native nothingness.  God is perfect life, and when we enter His light, we are healed.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 501

The ever-changing trees during this fall season teach us the wisdom, joy, and beauty of releasing that which no longer serves, an important lesson for our spiritual and material progress.  It is not possible to move forward until we liberate ourselves from limiting ideas, emotional baggage, erroneous human race conscious thoughts, and false beliefs in separation from Source.  Releasing resentments, regrets, and guilt frees us to enter more deeply into the underlying Unconditional Love of God.  As our Jewish friends prepare to observe Yom Kippur this weekend, the holiest of all their celebrations, they confess and atone for their “sins,” in order to forgive and to be forgiven.  The “at-one-ment” that occurs as we allow negativity to be transformed into affirmative, constructive ideas and experiences is what we all seek.

The ever-changing trees during this fall season teach us the wisdom, joy, and beauty of releasing that which no longer serves, an important lesson for our spiritual and material progress.  It is not possible to move forward until we liberate ourselves from limiting ideas, emotional baggage, erroneous human race conscious thoughts, and false beliefs in separation from Source.  Releasing resentments, regrets, and guilt frees us to enter more deeply into the underlying Unconditional Love of God.  As our Jewish friends prepare to observe Yom Kippur this weekend, the holiest of all their celebrations, they confess and atone for their “sins,” in order to forgive and to be forgiven.  The “at-one-ment” that occurs as we allow negativity to be transformed into affirmative, constructive ideas and experiences is what we all seek.

Prayer is always the answer, and Spiritual Mind Treatment is a powerful, affirmative declaration of Truth that can dissolve those negative notions and emancipate us from their hold.  Through this spiritual practice, we replace doubt with Faith, lack with Abundance, pain with Peace, conflict with Harmony, loneliness with Love, and limitation with Freedom.  As we let go of the past, surrendering to the Perfect Life in this present moment, we begin to form a new idea, an inspired future, for ourselves and others.

We may enhance the process by working in the physical realm, as well, by cleaning out closets, releasing anything we no longer use to the benefit of people who would be happy to receive them, and aligning more completely with the Law of Circulation. It is also essential that we do not hold too tightly to our good, insisting that the blessings in our life remain exactly as they are, or we may actually prevent even greater good from coming to us.  As Emerson says, We cannot let our angels go; we do not see that they only go out that archangels may come in. Let’s let this beautiful, new season teach us to enter deeply into Life’s Perfect Circulation and celebrate our Oneness with The Divine.

We love bringing you each week our live-streamed Sunday Celebrations at 10:30 A.M. on You Tube and Facebook.  Simply go to our website, Our theme for September has been, “Everything New,” and this Sunday’s final topic for the month is, “The Leaves Must Fall.” Rev. Mike and I enjoy sharing our daily “Love Notes” with you,  and they may all be accessed on our website, as well.

Our dedicated Practitioners are so willing to serve you and the Center with spiritual support, ready to reveal greater truth for all. You will find their information on our website. Thank you SO much for your continued spiritual and financial support that keeps your Beloved Community alive and well and doing its part to make a difference in our world, personally and globally.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Aug 4, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

“The essence of spiritual mind healing — and of all true religious philosophy – is an inner realization of the Presence of Perfection within and around about.  It is the hope of heaven, the Voice of God proclaiming: “I am that which thou art; thou art that which I am.”      Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 423

Now that we have established the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient existence of the Divine within all, the next step is to align with that Mighty Presence and understand our complete union with It; in fact, each of us is a beautiful and unique manifestation of that One Life, as It is our very Essence.   It is this spiritual identification for ourselves and others that empowers us to transform error to Truth, gives us strength in adversity, courage to wake to our divinity, and the ability to walk it out into the world.

It is not enough to say that “There is a Power in the Universe, greater than we are, and we can use It;” as we must deepen that awareness to realize that each of us IS an expression of that Mighty Presence, that it not only flows through us, but that it IS us, always. It is in this sacred awareness that we become effective instruments of Love and Wisdom, more than willing to lift each other from any sense of limitation to ultimate freedom.  Celebrating this holiness within every sentient being, we instantly connect with one another from the deepest and most sacred place. It is from this space that real conversations may take place, resolutions to challenges can occur, and the consciousness of the human race may be lifted up.

Tonight begins a four-week Discovery Class on Zoom, in which we will connect heart-to-heart with curious, interested and interesting people who are ready for a deeper dive into New Thought history, basic Principles of Science of Mind, and their effective application.  There is no charge for this course, and love offerings are always welcome.  If you contact Linda O’Neill at  RIGHT AWAY, you may still be able to receive the bountiful handout and print it out. We meet from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. and provide opportunities to connect with each other and to ask questions.  You won’t want to miss any week; yet, you are welcome to join us for whatever portion you can.

We continue live streaming Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, Even when the time eventually comes when we are able to meet again in person, this wonderful way to connect will occur each Sunday, and Rev. Mike and I enjoy sending our daily “Love Notes” to you from our living room. Our theme for August is: “Walking Each Other Home in Five Steps,” and this Sunday’s topic is, “You Are THAT!”

Remember that spiritual assistance is close at hand, and our Practitioners are standing by, ready to assist you with any challenges or “growth opportunities.” They are listed on the website, along with archived Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and financial support.

With great love and respect,


Dr. Maxine

July 28, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

We are poised in a sense of peace, which comes from our complete faith in God as the light, power and inspiration of our life.  There will be . . . no uneasiness or anxiety about any outcome, if we know — whether waking or sleeping — that every step of the way God goes with us. ~ ~ ~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 247

Knowing there is One Intelligent, Creative Power, One Indivisible, Loving Presence and that each of us is a beautiful, unique, individualized expression of that One Life, we know we are also one with every sentient being.  We also realize that we are all on a path of spiritual evolution, waking more and more each day to the divine possibilities that exist for everyone.  As we walk our walk, individually and together with others, we truly begin waking to the spiritual truth of our being.

Rarely does a person attain “instantaneous illumination;” rather, it is a step-by-step process, all originating in an authentic awareness of the Power and the Presence that abides within each of us and all of us.  We are “bound together and finely woven with Love,” opening our minds and hearts to each other from our deep awareness of the Oneness of Life and its multiple, magnificent expressions of Itself.  In the coming month, we will explore Dr. Ernest Holmes’ approach to this divine development and learn to use these spiritual principles for personal and global transformation  Keep in mind that even “baby steps” are a BIG DEAL to the baby, and we respect everyone’s time table and particular processes, just as we honor our own.

Consider joining me next Tuesday, August 4th  on Zoom, for a four-week Discovery Class, in which we will connect heart-to-heart with curious, interested and interesting people who are ready for a deeper dive into New Thought history, basic Principles of Science of Mind, and their effective application.  There is no charge for this course, and love offerings are always welcome.  Just contact Linda O’Neill at  to receive the bountiful handout that you may print out on your own.  You’ll want to keep it on your bookshelf for easy reference. We will meet from 6:30 – 8:30 P.M., and the time always goes very quickly. We always provide opportunities to connect with each other and for answering questions.  You won’t want to miss any of the four; yet, you are welcome to join us for whatever portion you can.

Until the time arrives when we return to our sweet Center in Paoli, we will continue live streaming Sunday Celebrations each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, Even when that happy time comes, we intend to continue to send out our music and messages in this way, as we have found a larger viewing community these past few months who love being “with us” each week. The new theme for August is: “Walking Each Other Home in Five Steps,” and this Sunday’s topic  is, “The Greatest Power and Presence.” Do look for the “Love Notes” Rev. Mike and I send to you throughout the week, filmed in our living room, as we love all the creative ways we may stay in touch with you. Previous ones are archived on our website, along with past Sunday live streams.

Our Practitioners are also standing by, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing, and they are listed on the website, as well. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

June 9,2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

. . . the law works for all alike. We must accustom ourselves to the concept of the impersonalness of the law, the availability of the law, and the mechanical accuracy of the law.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 39

As we discover and use universal laws, we realize that they respond alike to anyone and everyone, regardless of age, experience, education, gender, or race.  Just as gravity ensures that an object will fall to the floor, whether dropped by a 2-year-old or a 92-year-old, so the Law of Cause and Effect will respond to whomever employs it.  Actually, this Law of Mind is at work continuously, and we are activating it both consciously and unconsciously by our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.  We can depend on it to produce in our outer world what the inwardly-held beliefs may be, uplifting ideas resulting in positive circumstances, and negative thoughts and feelings showing up in unhappy ways.

I call this Law, “An equal opportunity employee,” as it provides results as accurately as those of the gardener who plants seeds which produce after its own kind. The entire plant is contained in the seed and can be depended upon to grow exactly what is planted, whether by a seasoned farmer or a visiting grandchild.  Isn’t it wonderful to appreciate such a dependable system, especially in our current world of much uncertainty? It is as we shift our thoughts and feelings from upset, anxiety, or impatience to those of peace, harmony, and cooperation that our lives begin to show definite improvement.

Just as the Spirit nurtures, illuminates, and guides us, so the Law responds, produces, and fulfills us.  As Ernest Holmes so wisely suggested, “Court the Presence and Direct the Law.” As we deepen our connection to the Living God, we are lovingly guided to that which is ours to do each day, and, as we consciously utilize the Law for great and growing good, we actually influence the world around us in constructive ways.  Let’s continue to embrace our Practical Spirituality in ways that enhance our lives and bring about a healthier, more loving world.

We are having a wonderful time bringing you a live stream Celebration each Sunday morning at 10:30, just the very few of us in our Paoli sanctuary, and imagining your presence with us.  We connect to uplift each other in an hour of spiritual wellbeing and inspiration, and typically begin on time, with a musical prelude just before 10:30.  We did experience technical difficulties this Sunday past and finally got on line at 10:45. If this should ever occur again, PLEASE be patient and stay with us until we begin. Next Sunday will be the third we have enjoyed virtual “Hospitality Time,” on Zoom, following our morning Celebration. Details are given during the morning program. Loving thanks to our Producer, Jeff Masino, projectionist, Edie Janik, and moderator, Tina Richards.  This week’s topic is, “The Equal Opportunity Employee.”

Our “Love Notes” are filmed from our living room and placed on Facebook and You Tube. Rev. Mike and I enjoy alternating Monday through Saturday, and these may be accessed on our website:  You may also watch past weeks’ offerings. You’ll find contact information for our Practitioners, who continue to walk with you through these challenging times and help to keep the Vision high.

Do join us next Saturday evening, June 13th  7-8 PM for the GPCSL version of the “Match Game” on Zoom by sending an email to  to receive the access link.  We love having fun together (like “Bingo Nights” and “Picnics”) so let’s get together and laugh our sox off!

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine