To awaken oneself is to be healed, made prosperous, happy and satisfied; to be
made every whit whole, to be complete as we were intended to be. ~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 488
Just as each individual walks the path of evolution, so is the entire human race becoming awake to its intrinsic spirituality, revealing more completely each moment the innate Wholeness that is the truth of all humankind. The road may seem long, even arduous at times; yet, the divine impulsion of the Universe continues to inspire our forward progress. The more aware we become of having come forth from the One Divine Mind, replicating the substantive qualities of Spirit, the more easily we are able
to develop and express these truths in our life experience.
Meister Eckhardt often referred to, “The Unimpeachable Wholeness of the Universe,”
which is an eternal reality of which we all partake, and it is more real and true than any
temporary condition. It is in being alive in the Life of God that we begin revealing our
Wholeness and our Abundance in every area of being. We move more easily from
external circumstances to the Center of All Good when we remember not only to walk
but to dance along the evolutionary road. Health is your spiritual birthright, and
prosperity is your divine inheritance. Let’s all wake up together!
Join us each week on our live-streamed Sunday Celebrations at 10:30 A.M. on You Tube
and Facebook. Invite your friends, as well, and go to our website,
Our theme for October is, “Living Our Values,” and this Sunday’s topic is, “The Values
of Spiritual Growth, Healing, and Abundance.” Previous Sunday Celebrations are
archived on our website, along with the daily “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I enjoy
sharing with you.
Remember to reach out to our Practitioners for spiritual support. We are also grateful
that they also continue to sustain our Center in prayer-treatment. It is your continued
financial contributions that are keeping our Center healthy enough to find creative ways
to keep the message flowing.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine