Dear Ones,
Rev. Mike and I are so grateful to have enjoyed and celebrated another beautiful year with you, our Beloved Community, and happily anticipate a Bright New Year for all of us, as we “Thrive in 2025!” We have moved through many important changes, individually and collectively, and are more than ready to continue to deepen and expand consciousness, as we look forward to walking and working together in the months to come. This is a Sacred Place of Community, where we rest from the outer world with each other, loving and lifting one another, then bringing the overflow of our love and intention out into our homes, our communities, and the world.
Please join us in as many classes and activities as you can, as your presence and participation make a divine difference in our gatherings. I will be teaching a four-week, love offering class on, “The Four Kingdoms of Consciousness” each Tuesday in January on Zoom from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. Eastern Time. This class offers effective tools for understanding and moving through the four phases of consciousness we all experience. Click here to register.
Do plan to join us for the Community Visioning on Sunday, January 12th at UCC’s Fellowship Hall from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. Eastern Time for a wonderful opportunity to open our hearts and minds to Spirit’s Vision for GPCSL in the years to come, as well as forming your individual visions. Your input is valuable, as we co-create together a New Possibility for ourselves, personally, and for our Beloved Community. We expect to invite our distant friends and members via Zoom, as we wish everyone’s participation. Click here to register.
Our theme for 2025 is, “Deeper Understanding; Greater Aliveness.” This Thursday, January 2nd begins the month of “A Firm Foundation,” in which we review the basics of our teaching, as found in the first four chapters of Ernest Holmes’ Science of Mind. We focus that evening on, “The Ground of Being,” and it’s a great way to begin the new year. If you wish to arrive at 6:30, you may join a Practitioner in the Meditation Room, then enjoy a warm and wonderful evening in the Sanctuary at 7:00 P.M. Of course, it will be aired on our website next Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Our Licensed Professional Practitioners are standing by to assist with any concerns or challenges you may be facing. Contact any of them on the Practitioner Page of our website.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine