Dec. 7, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

In this beautiful and busy time of year, it is wise to remember the words of the Master Teacher, “I, of myself, do nothing. It is the Father within who doeth the work.” Jesus was so aware of God’s Presence within him that he referred to It as, “Father,” or, in ancient Aramaic, “Abba.” As you and I become more consciously aware of this wise and loving Indwelling Presence, we, too, may allow It to move through us and accomplish wonders in our everyday activities, and we turn often to the very Source of Life.
As we enter more deeply into the Center of our hearts, which are held tenderly in the Heart of God, we are able to feel that Divine Embrace and allow It to accomplish everything by means us. We truly are designed to be open instruments for the healthy expression of joy and wellbeing. Each day can become easier, sweeter, and more successful when we follow Emerson’s recommendation: “Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits!”
We begin our Sunday morning Celebrations in person at 10:30 A.M., following CDC recommendations for everyone’s safety and wellbeing, including wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. You also have the option of tuning in virtually by going to our website,  and clicking on the orange “watch live” button to be with us. Upcoming events and past Celebrations, as well as archived Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me are also found on the website. If you come in person, you may enjoy a brief meditation time with our Practitioner of the Day at 10:00 A.M. in the “Upper Room.” Our topic this Sunday is, “Moved by Grace.”
On the Practitioner Page of our website, you will find caring and effective Practitioners and a Practitioner Intern who will assist you in working through any challenges you may be experiencing. We provide spiritual tools for any and all human problems, and they are here to help feel closer to Spirit and to use the Law for your greater good.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

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