Love is the self-givingness of Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation. . . Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 608
This is, historically, the “Month of Love,” and we certainly are focusing on the Essence of Divine Love and how It is expressed in and through humanity. As we continue the CSL Annual Theme, “Living Everyday Wonder,” we deepen our understanding of Who we are, why we are here, and how we may contribute to “A World That Works for All.” The wonderful Divine Science minister, Emmet Fox, wrote a beautiful poem about love, the last sentence being, “If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world!”
It is true that Real Love, God’s Love, is capable of healing hearts, lifting minds, and changing conditions. Truly, it is the Greatest Power in the world, and it is available to us and all sentient beings. Love is, indeed, a quality of the Divine, alive within each of us and ready to send Its Essence to everyone and everything at all times and in all places. Even in uncertain and tenuous times, we may rely on this healing, harmonizing Presence, simply be remembering It dwells within us and is forever available to us.
Since our move last week from Industrial Boulevard, we are continuing our Sunday live streaming from 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301, and this is our Center’s temporary office address. We are not holding in-person Celebrations at this time, so be sure to join us online by going to our website, at 10:30 A.M. from wherever you may be. We are grateful for your continued support, spiritually and materially, as we all focus on a new Vision for our healthy, strong, uplifting Community of caring, conscious, dedicated people. Because of this great technology, we are able to reach more people, extending outside the Philadelphia area, and doing our work beyond any borders.
Purchase the wonderful book, “Shortcut to a Miracle,” and join me and other amazing students a week from tomorrow night from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. This Centers for Spiritual Living Certified Course will be offered on Zoom, and click here for more information and to register. We begin a new theme for the month of February, “Living in the Global Heart,” and Sunday’s talk will be, “Love or Fear.” Join us at 10:30 A.M., or catch the Celebration at any time on our website.
Our capable Practitioners and Intern, stand ready to assist you with any human problem you may be experiencing, bring spiritual support and healthy solutions. Go to the Practitioner Page of our website to select any one of these dedicated people.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine