Dear Ones,
Of course, we must begin this message with a huge shout-out to our victorious Eagles, who are Super Bowl LIX Champions! One of our astute members was certain that their win had something to with how gloriously we raised our voices to “Fly, Eagles, Fly!” at the conclusion of our recent Sunday Celebration!
Don’t you love how we refer to our services as “Celebrations!” We do go about celebrating the Divine Life that joyously expresses in, through, and as each of us. In this Month of Love, where we are focusing on “Love is Service,” we understand that each of us truly is a Recirculating Fountain of Love, sharing God’s Compassionate, Life-Giving Presence with everyone we encounter.
With Valentine’s Day approaching, let’s extend our heart-felt blessings to all in our world, understanding that touching and elevating others (and there truly is no “other”) brings great joy to everyone. A full heart must allow its overflow to embrace, inspire, and encourage anyone we meet to feel that Holy Presence of Love, as it is in the sharing that it is actualized.
This Sunday, you’ll have an opportunity to get to know our Licensed Professional Practitioners better, as they provide inspiration for the entire service, speaking on, “The Joy of Lifting Others.” You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website and clicking on the orange Watch Online button at 1:00 P.M. ET. Come in person to 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, where we share facilities with the United Church of Christ Valley Forge. You may request a “One Minute Miracle” with any of the Practitioners after Celebration or make an in-person or telephone appointment. They are the Healing Arm of our Center, our “God Squad!”
With great love and appreciation,
Dr. Maxine