FEb. 18, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

First, a grateful “shout-out” to our Healing Ministry, Emcee, Music Director, and A/V people- who beautifully conducted and presented “Practitioner Sunday” this past week, while Rev. Mike and I were with family in Florida for the weekend. We return today, as proud of our “God Squad” as we are of our Eagles! We have focused on “Love as Service” all month and will complete this theme next Sunday with, “Keep It Flowing,” as we have a clear intention to continue touching that Deep Center of Infinite Love and sharing it indiscriminately with others.

Just as we read in Matthew that “. . . the rain falls on the just and the unjust,” we do not ration our compassion only to those we approve of or agree with, any more than Divine Love judges or discriminates. Needing a worthy recipient of our care and attention makes no more sense than God withholding blessings from anyone.

We have focused clearly as a Beloved Community on the joy of radiating Divine Love from our hearts to all the world without question of deservability or requirement of reciprocity. Love IS service, and the more we share this joyful essence, the greater our sense of fulfillment we experience. This is our opportunity to KEEP IT FLOWING!

Be with us this Sunday at 1:00 P.M. EST at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, where we share facilities with our good neighbors, the United Church of Christ Valley Forge. You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website www.cslphilly.org at 1:00 P.M. and click on the orange Watch Online button.

Our Licensed Practitioners are ready and willing to assist you in working through any challenges, as they listen with an open heart and lift your consciousness through Spiritual Mind Treatment. You may request a telephone or in-person appointment with any of them, and they are found on our Practitioner Page.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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