Today, I am attending Centers for Spiritual Living Business Meeting at its Annual Convention here in Charleston, South Carolina. We continue enjoying outstanding speakers, inspiring workshops, fabulous music, and great camaraderie with conscious, caring, compassionate, and clever colleagues. We have brought a keen consciousness of Love to this southern community, not only enjoying its beauty, but discovering more of its actual history. We are aware of the inequity and injustice many of our brothers and sisters experienced over the past 200 years; yet, we are determined to continue encouraging and inspiring greater unity, respect, and possibility with our presence here.
As Emma Curtis Hopkins stated, “Awareness is curative,” so we must acknowledge anything still out of alignment with Truth, along with respect, acknowledgement, and appreciation for all beings. This Global Spiritual Community is committed to co-creating “A World That Works for Everyone,” truly, “A World That Works for All.” Here, in this environment of oneness, harmony, open-hearted communication, and mutual respect and admiration, we are experiencing such a world, a microcosm of the macrocosm of the greater human race. We can be encouraged that so many people are aligning with Divine Love and Infinite Wisdom to bring about what we have been praying about: “Heaven on earth.”
I’ll be returning in ample time for Sunday’s Virtual Celebration, livestreaming from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA at 10:30 A.M. EST. Join us online by going to our website and pressing the orange “Watch Live” button to participate with us in an hour or so of music and inspiration. We will complete our February theme, “If Only You Could Love Enough,” and my topic will be, “Yes, We Can!”
We invite you to scroll through our site to find past Celebrations and Love Notes, as well as many interesting opportunities to join with us in social activities and in classes. The new, twelve-week Zoom class on Emma Curtis Hopkins, “Unveiling Your Hidden Power,” begins Tuesday, February 27th and meets from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. through May 14th. You may purchase your books by calling directly to Michael Terranova (listed on the flyer you will find under “Events” on the website.) There is still time to register – Click here for all the details.
We provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation, specifically that of spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer,) and we teach and practice this beautiful, healing process in our Center. There are times when we truly can use the assistance of one of our trained Practitioners, and they are found on the Practitioner Page of our website. Contact any of them to make an in-person or telephone appointment.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine