Dear Ones,
As we conclude this “month of love,” let’s set a wise intention to continue bringing our best selves to one another by living compassionately and caringly for others, as well as for ourselves. As the wonderful Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh suggested, “We can all contribute to helping the development of ‘Homo conscious’ . . . the species that embodies mindfulness, compassion, and enlightenment.”
With each mindful act and every expression of love, we contribute mightily to the lifting of humanity and the restoration of heaven on earth. We needn’t be Bodhisattvas or saints to do our vital part in this transformation, only conscious, willing beings determined to make a positive difference. How satisfying it is to join with other conscious, caring people and feel the energy of love multiplied.
Join us this Sunday, March 2nd at 1:00 P.M. EST at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, where we share facilities with our good friends, the United Church of Christ Valley Forge. We begin a new month with the theme: “Divine Discipline and Delight.” You may also join us on YouTube on our website and clicking on the orange Watch Online button.
Visiting our Practitioner Page, you will find six qualified and caring Licensed Practitioners, any of whom will gladly return your calls for spiritual support. You may set up a telephone or in-person appointment.
With great love and appreciation,
Dr. Maxine