Feb. 4, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

This month theme, “Love is Service” reminds us that Love is both an Indwelling Essence and a conscious, caring practice. The Presence of Divine Love within all life must be actualized through intentional, externalized action. As we become increasingly aware of the continued movement toward hatred, vengeance, and deep division around us, we are called to dive even more deeply into Source, touching that Healing Chord of Love. It is from this place of Infinite Love and Wisdom that we are guided into the actions of Love that uplift the human consciousness and condition.

Sustaining our insistence of respect and appreciation for all the beautiful ways Spirit expresses Itself in humanity, we lift our brothers and sisters in Unity. Understanding that God is not only within all people, but essentially manifests Itself through all Its beloved creations, we all rise to a greater Truth, walking in union with our neighbors. Love is still the answer, and It always will be. Truly, “We were made for these times!”

Be with us this Sunday at 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, as all the local Eagles fans prepare a winning consciousness for the afternoon’s Super Bowl game! You may also join us on our YouTube channel by visiting our website www.cslphilly.org at 1:00 P.M. for Sunday’s topic, “God In Me, As Me, Through Me.”

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners provide spiritual tools for personal and global support and solutions. God is always the answer, no matter what the question or concern may be. Look them up on the Practitioner Page of our website; whomever you contact will meet you in consciousness and invite Infinite Wisdom to show you greater opportunities.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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