“Who is born of love is born of God, for God is Love.” Without love, nothing can be accomplished. With love, all things are possible. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 503
How wonderfully Dr. Hazel Spears inspired our congregation last Sunday! If you missed the Celebration, in person or on the live stream, you may still view and listen on our website. Rev. Mike and I watched from home and so enjoyed it all. We’ll have the pleasure of meeting again in person next Sunday, February 12th, at Inteprod in Eagleville, and we are grateful to our hosts, Suzanne and Rick Smethers. (How appropriate that, as we approach Super Bowl Sunday this week, we are meeting in “Eagleville” on the day of the game!)
As we continue, “Building a New Consciousness” this year, we are now focusing the month of February on “Motivation” and how we may be inspired to bring this greater awareness into our lives, personally and globally. Of course, Divine Love is the grandest motivator of all, and it is through inviting Its expression in and through us that we experience the greatest success. My talk this Sunday will be, “Led by Love,” and it is by opening our hearts to Its Presence, Power, and Activity that we deepen our connection to Spirit and expand our consciousness into unlimited realms.
Yes, a week from today will be Valentine’s Day, and we realize that the most wonderful relationships are those based on God’s Presence within the people involved. Selfless love, true compassion, and mutual respect all flow from this divine connection and raise each relationship to a higher frequency. The same is true of shared experiences of various ethnicities, gender identification, political parties, and nations. Seeking to feel the Power of Love, rather than the love of power, motivates us to co-create fairness, compassion, and mutual respect for all. As we continue observing Black History Month, we realize that it is our Unity and Its celebration in so many forms of multiplicity that empower and inspire us to a heightened awareness of true Oneness.
Once again, our Practitioners will offer Guided Meditation in the Conference Room at 10:00 A.M., so, if you come a little early, you will have a sweet opportunity to enjoy some peaceful preparation for our 10:30 Celebration. Those not in the area may tune in to our livestream by going to our website www.cslphilly.org and using the orange “Watch” button to connect with us. Our events, previous talks, and Love Notes are available on this site.
Our dedicated Practitioners have their own page on the website, each listed with contact information, and any of them will be happy to hear from you, if you desire their support.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine