“In everyone’s life, there is a great need for anam cara, a soul friend. In this love, you are understood as you are without mask or pretense. . . This art of love discloses the special and sacred identity of the other person.” John O’Donohue, Anam Cara, p. 14
It is as we connect deeply and authentically with others that we simultaneously touch that sacred sanctuary within us, where we experience the Real Love of the Divine. Conversely, the more we engage with this Precious Center of Unconditional Love within us, we find we are capable of establishing healthy, productive relationships with others.
No matter the question, Love is always the answer. As we ask, “What would love do?” we are guided immediately to the highest and best course of action, for ourselves and others. A wise person once posed the question that, in passing from this earth, what if the one thing you were asked was, “Did you love enough?” This idea certainly shifts attention away from pride in earthly accomplishments, material goods acquired, or fame achieved.
Are we loving enough now? Our theme for the month of February is, “Living in the Global Heart,” a conscious intention we are setting to expand our hearts and minds to a greater expression of Love for all humankind. Truly, the more we give our love away, the more experiences of love we will continue to enjoy. Let’s establish ourselves solidly in the Field of Love, as we explore, “Anam Cara: Soul Friend” this Sunday.
Since our move last week from Industrial Boulevard, we are completely virtual, live streaming our Sunday Celebrations from our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301. We are not holding in-person Celebrations at time, so be sure to join us online by going to our website, www.cslphilly.org at 10:30 A.M. from wherever you may be. We are grateful for your continued support, spiritually and materially, as we all focus on a new Vision for our healthy, strong, uplifting Community of caring, conscious, dedicated people. Because of this great technology, we are able to reach more people, extending outside the Philadelphia area, and doing our work beyond any borders.
There is still time to join tonight’s “Shortcut to a Miracle” class, beginning at 6:30 P.M. If you have purchased your book by the same name, register right away by clicking here, and invest 2-1/2 hours each of the 8 weeks (skipping only February 22nd.) You may still begin this class tonight and order your book quickly, in order to keep up with the reading assignments. This Centers for Spiritual Living Certified Course will be offered on Zoom, and you will receive the link when you register, along with the workbook. Come ready to experience your “Miracle!”
Engage any of our Practitioners or Practitioner Intern to assist in bringing spiritual solutions to any human challenge. You will find them listed and featured on the Practitioner Page of our website.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine