Then, knowing that The Thing can work for us only through us, let us begin to accept today more good than we experienced yesterday, and to know that we shall reap a harvest of fulfilled desires. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 39
Becoming more and more aware of the One Source from which we have all come, and the spirituality that dwells within us, we continually “court this Presence,” as we learn to direct the Law. All laws are invisible and await our recognition of them, in order to live in harmony and creativity with life. Aeronautics had to be deeply understood and intelligently applied before dirigibles and airplanes could be properly designed and sent to the skies. Similarly, the Law of Mind works well for us and by means of us, when we recognize its presence flowing through our consciousness and employ It consciously.
You and I are necessary instruments through which Spirit manifests Life and are wise to learn and cooperate with the laws of nature, as well as the Law of Sowing and Reaping itself. Jesus taught that, “It is done unto you as you believe,” clearly stating that the quality and strength of our belief determines the outcome in our lives. The Law continues to work, whether true beliefs or erroneous notions are given It. We have the joyous responsibility of choosing our thoughts carefully and planting only healthy seeds into the fertile Law of Mind.
What a joy it is to live consciously and creatively, knowing that each of us is a beautiful and unique expression of the Living God. The Intelligent operation of the Universe guarantees a fuller expression of Spirit through us, as we maintain our focus on that which is true, beautiful, and life-affirming. You and I are essential to the continuing evolution of the human race, for we are unified in Spirit and capable of shining up our instruments of Divine Life.
Virtual Sunday Celebrations continue each week at 10:30 A.M., and we love having you with us, either at the time we live stream or later in the day or week. Centers for Spiritual Living theme for 2021 is, “Timeless Wisdom; Evolutionary Vision,” and our theme for the month of January is, “Back to Basics; Forward to Foresight.” Keeping with Science of Mind tradition, we devote the first four Sundays of the year to the basic concepts, found in the introductory chapters in the Science of Mind. This is a great time of review for long-time students and a lovely opportunity for new folks to learn about our teaching. This Sunday’s topic is: “A Divinely Designed System,” based on Introductory Chapter II. As you log on to our website, you’ll be directed to You Tube or Facebook. The Sunday Celebrations and Rev. Mike’s and my daily “Love Notes” may be seen at any time via the Live Stream button.
A timely reminder: Two wonderful classes begin this week, my five-Tuesday class tonight at 6:30 P.M., “The Art of Abundance: Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life,” based on this powerful and insightful book by Dennis Merritt Jones. You may still register by contacting the GPCSL office, or by contacting me directly, and I’ll send you the Zoom link and e-mail you the materials right away. It is necessary to have the book and is a love offering class. The second offering is a ten-week, CSL accredited class taught by Rev. Mike on Saturday afternoons, New Foundations. Again, get in touch with the office or contact him directly. We are starting our year with conscious, intelligent determination to continue growing and expanding.
You may access our dedicated Practitioners or Practitioner Interns on our website, as they stand ready to provide spiritual support for any issues with which you are faced. We are here for each other and not intended to walk this journey alone.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine