Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness. When one desires to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being, then generosity —in action, word, and thought — is this desire put it into practice. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, p. 149
This quote clearly addresses “generosity of the heart,” which includes deep compassion and authentic forgiveness, for ourselves, as well as for others. As we continue navigating smartly through the pandemic, caring well for ourselves, and being respectful of others, we seek to reach a deeper awareness of what is ours to do to bring about, rather than just “talk about” the kind of world we truly desire. The same is true for our ever-increasing understanding of system racism, which must be addressed and transformed, as we strengthen our ties with one another in this pivotal period of real change for humanity. We can become more generous with our time and attention, as we encourage others to speak to us from their hearts, compassionate enough to be willing to hear with our hearts, holding each other tenderly in a divine embrace, as we move through our human challenges. We can also be open-minded, open-handed, and open-hearted with regard to our willingness to forgive . . . ourselves and others.
Knowing how the Law of Circulation works, we do not hesitate to give of our time, talent, and treasure to others and, especially, to the closest source of our spiritual food; namely, our spiritual centers which provide a radiant, healing, transformative Light to help us on the way to greater justice, love, and prosperity for all. Let’s give of ourselves fully to our teaching, our families and friends, our communities, and the world, as we delight in the flow of Good for every sentient being and experience growing abundance of every kind in our lives.
We so enjoy bringing our Sunday Celebrations to you via live stream each week on You Tube and Facebook, both accessed through our website, This week’s topic for Sunday is, “Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give.” The “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I send to you throughout the week are just more opportunities to stay in touch with you during this extended time of physical separation, and previous ones are archived on our website, along with past morning live streams. You may also find a listing of our Practitioners, ready to assist you with any challenges you may be experiencing. Thank you for keeping your Beloved Community strong with your prayers and your financial contributions.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine