Dear Ones,
Whether we call them “challenges,” “problems,” “obstacles,” “lessons,” or “opportunities,” we tend to run into “bumps in the road” on our evolutionary paths. How well we deal with them has much to do with the perspective from which we view them and the amount of faith we have in a Power that can change circumstances into blessings and transform difficulties into divine delights.
It has been said that pebbles on our paths can be positioned into trailblazing patterns that actually make the journey more pleasant. Even boulders can be rearranged for greater access and ease in traveling. It’s all energy, so let’s maintain a consciousness high enough to make the shift from limitation to freedom and enjoy safe passage from one experience to the next.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30 A.M. IN PERSON at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA, as we share some ideas about “Turning Obstacles into Stepping Stones.” Click here to register for a seat or watch online by going to our website and clicking on the “Watch Now” button to be with us virtually on or YouTube channel or click here to watch us on our Facebook Channel.
As you scroll through our website, you will discover upcoming events that may be of interest to you, and you will come across our Practitioner Page. Here, our Licensed Professional Practitioners are listed with their contact information. Call any of them for a spiritual uplift.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine