Nothing liberates our greatness like the desire to help, the desire to serve. ~ Marianne Williamson
As we have discovered the joy of liberating ourselves from limiting beliefs and are expanding into greater possibilities of true freedom, we naturally wish to help lift others out of restriction and into joyful living, as well. There is an innate desire in all sentient beings, not only to be free, but also to do our part in raising up others to higher levels of possibility. We do not do this by “fixing,” but by supporting with love and prayer and solid intention for everyone’s wellbeing.
It often begins with our modeling this changed consciousness ourselves, rather than attempting to point out a person’s need to examine their beliefs. Let’s demonstrate how beautifully this transformation works and let others be inspired by it. We “show,” rather than “tell,” and our loving support can make all the difference. Listening with compassion, while beholding the Divinity within each person, creates a powerful context within which limiting contents are converted to expansive possibilities.
It is in this selfless, loving activity that we, ourselves, become even freer and more successful in unveiling our innate wholeness, divinity, and infinite potential. Let’s all work together to raise up our loved ones, as well as those we have not yet added to our family of friends. Imagine a world in which mutual, respectful, loving support brings the real freedom for which we all have longed.
How sweet it is to greet one another in person again at our Sunday Celebrations, and how satisfying it is to continue reaching people with our live streaming. We also are happy to offer quiet Meditation again before service, held upstairs at 10:00 A.M., and led by the Practitioner of the Day. However you join us this Sunday, we welcome you, as I speak about, “Free a Friend to Fly.” If you are joining us on line, simply go to at 10:30 A.M. EDT and click on the orange “watch live” button. Previous Sunday Celebrations and Rev. Mike’s and my “Love Notes” are archived there, as well.
We are thrilled to welcome our two beautiful, new Practitioners to our Healing Ministry. Cheryl Macklin and Nettie Bonner successfully passed their Oral Panels last week and are now officially fully licensed, professional GPCSL Practitioners. You may call on them or any of our dedicated Practitioners for individual spiritual support by choosing one listed on our website.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine