Each person is a center of self-conscious life; God is the Life Principle animating us. ~ Ernest Holmes, Can We Talk to God, p. 24
As we enter into the lovely month of June, we may find a lighter energy inspiring thoughts of expanded movement into the summer season. Visioning and planning joyous activities for ourselves and others, we do well to remember that we re-enact the creative nature of the Divine. It is a wonderful thing to realize that each of us is empowered by the One Power, guided by an Infinite Intelligence, as we freely and successfully invite and allow this Life to live uniquely and dynamically through us.
When we know how essential we are to the Creative Process, individualized in each of us and fulfilling Itself by means of us, we feel more alive, confident, and capable of living from the highest consciousness and expressing the fullness of Life. You and I are the instruments through which new, dynamic visions and versions of health, wealth, love, and creativity are revealed. As we step into our divine authority, accepting responsibility for co-creating a wonderful life for ourselves and others. we become empowered to make clear, conscious choices.
God is the enlivening Presence within us that delights in expressing through us, as we move from any erroneous idea of separation from Source to the reality of our oneness with the Infinite Power and Possibility that is our divine heritage. Let’s use the Power for Good for greater and greater good, deeper connection to the Divine, and continued creative expression.
Our resourceful and dedicated “Re-Opening Team” continues to prepare for our first Sunday back in our physical spiritual Home. We are happily returning to 16 Industrial Boulevard on Sunday, June 27th and plan a very special “welcome Home” to those in the area. We will also continue live streaming for our friends at a distance and anyone preferring to watch from their homes. In-person classes and social events will also be returning, as we continue to provide virtual offerings. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Our new theme for June is, “How Life Fulfills Itself,” and we will be remembering how, “You Are a Center of Intelligent Activity” Just click on the “Watch Live” button on www.cslphilly.org You may also view previous Celebrations and Living Room talks from Rev. Mike and me and check out our informative website.
Our dedicated Practitioners and Practitioner Interns continue to support our Center and its members and friends with spiritual mind treatment, and you may contact any of them via our website for personal attention.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine