The Spirit of God, which we think of as the Heavenly Father, is a Divine Presence, while the Law is a mechanical force.
~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 275
As we plan our Father’s Day Celebrations, probably differently this year than those of the past or future, we begin looking at the bigger picture of fatherhood. We do honor the men in our lives who have participated in giving us life, both biologically and spiritually. We also honor the Masculine Principle of which Ernest Holmes spoke, calling it, “The Self-Conscious, Self-Propelling Power of Spirit,” either in God or in human beings. This Life Principle abides everywhere, including within each of us, and we use it every time we set an intention to bring forth the manifestation of a new idea in our personal lives or in the greater world.
Our choices are powered by the Creative Intelligent Activity and Power of this Universe, and they are fulfilled through the responsive and dependable Law of Mind. Once awakened to our spiritual essence and individual callings, we tend to select thoughts, feeling, and desires that are for the greatest good of all sentient beings, while caring for our own needs, as well. In truth, all we do in this life is to choose, setting into motion the Creative Process, which always brings about our mental selections. The more wisely and lovingly we focus on those heart’s desires that serve humanity and the world, the closer we come to establishing Heaven on earth.
Individually, we transform our regular thinking into great visions of The Possible, and, collectively, we generate a grand Power that is unstoppable. This is our time, and we are the ones who have been called to embrace the Divine Presence and utilize the Power for Good . . . for great and growing Good. Let’s “sire” something amazing and give God the credit as it unfolds!
Please continue joining us for our live stream Celebration each Sunday morning at 10:30, and invite your friends to experience virtual church, as Rev. Mike and I join our wonderful Production Crew in our Paoli sanctuary, imagining your presence with us. We all connect to uplift each other in an hour of spiritual wellbeing and inspiration, beginning at 10:30 A.M, with a musical prelude leading us in. We continue our virtual “Hospitality Time,” on Zoom, following our morning Celebration. Details are given during the morning program. Loving thanks to our Producer, Jeff Masino, projectionist, Edie Janik, and moderator, Tina Richards, with our Operations Manager, Linda O’Neill, always behind the scenes. This week’s topic for Father’s Day is, “Sire Something!”
You can find our “Love Notes” on Facebook and You Tube, and they are archived on our website Rev. Mike and I enjoy alternating Monday through Saturday, filming from our living room, often with Yoga dog present and participating. You’ll find contact information on our website for our Practitioners, who continue to keep the High Watch for us all throughout all the changes occurring in our world.
Please join us next Thursday, June 25th for shared Visioning on Zoom, as the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living joins with Center of Peace and CSL Delaware for, “Coming Together: Moving from Talking Our Talk to Walking Our Walk.” Rev. Twana Malone, Rev. Kathleen Johnson, and I have been meeting with leadership from all three Centers to discuss and envision, “What is God’s Highest Idea about Honoring ALL Humanity through Authentic Inner Transformation and Taking Real Action in OUR World.” Next week, will be your turn to participate. Simply register in advance with and Linda will send you the Zoom invitation. ,
With great love and appreciation,
Dr. Maxine