Our spiritual work is best done in serene and faith-filled acceptance, relying on the generosity of Spirit and the dependability of the Law. We are wise to become aware of any areas of doubt or concern that might, otherwise, impede the fulfillment of our hearts’ desires, as we transform them into a positive, creative system of belief. A healthy expectancy opens our hearts and minds to the ease and joy of receiving our Good, and maintaining such a clear and receptive instrument insures the continued flow of blessings in our lives.
Once we have made a conscious, creative decision, we are to sustain trust in the choice we have selected, resting in calm, clear assurance that we chose wisely, are supported by Divine Wisdom, and responded to positively by the Law of Mind. We do not second-guess our decisions but maintain confidence in the spiritual guidance that led us to them. Awaiting the result with cheerful expectancy and growing gratitude is the wisest course of action.
Even if we decide later to choose differently, we can be thankful both for the good we received from the first demonstration and our freedom to set another cause into motion. Our whole lives are about choice, selecting that which is appropriate at the time, then deciding on that which is more in alignment with our needs in the next moment. Each conscious, caring decision we make brings us closer to awakening us to our Authentic Self and opens us to become greater receivers of Life’s Bounty.
Catch us on our livestream this Sunday from the Inspiration Café in Paoli, as we complete June’s theme of, “Selectivity.” Rev. Mike and I will be sharing a “He Said/She Said” talk on, “Trusting the Choice.” We begin at 10:30 A.M. and can be found by going to our website, www.cslphilly.org and pressing the orange “Watch” button. If you are not able to tune in at that time, just follow the same procedure later in the day or week to catch our Celebration. The website also provides rich information on events and activities which may interest you.
Open the Practitioner Page on our website and choose one of our caring and competent GPCSL Practitioners, ready to work with you in any challenging area of your life. They not only lift you in Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer) but are happy to teach you to use the spiritual tools that allow the essential changes in consciousness that alter the external conditions.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine