June 23, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

Let us feel that our purposes are animated and inspired from on high and then let us go forth and make our dream come true in human experience. With an invisible Intelligence to guide, and an immutable Law to direct, let us take our place in any legitimate activity, and thus cause our dreams to come to full fruition.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 477

Those of us who have followed the study of Science of Mind understand that the Principle is beautiful; yet, until it is applied in our daily lives, nothing much will change. The world is greatly in need of a deeper understanding of the constant Presence of the Divine and our joyous responsibility to use it for Good, in our lives and in the world. Although we teach Oneness, we see far too much divisiveness. We know that we are all created in equality, yet we remain all too aware of injustices. Isn’t this the time that we step into this crazy, mixed-up, breaking-open, evolving world and bring both our Principle and our physical presence to co-create a new paradigm of fairness, justice, equity, authentic love, and true respect?

This truly is ours to do, elevating our lives from, “Talking the Talk to Walking the Walk.” The visioning we have done with leadership from all three Centers for Spiritual Living: Center of Peace in Philadelphia, CSL Delaware, and GPCSL, has been heart-opening and inspirational. Our focus has been on, “What is the Highest Vision honoring ALL of humanity through authentic inner transformation and real action in the world.?” We are now inviting all members and friends from our three Communities to join in deep conversation together on Thursday, June 25th at 6:30 P.M. Feeling some uncertainty, and even a bit of discomfort is a small price to pay for deepening our understanding and respect for one another, as the underlying container is Divine Love. This gathering will be held in a context of love, respect, and possibility, as it is led and supported by Spirit.

Please be with us, as we begin essential conversations, listen and share with our hearts, and feel the excitement of coming together for a beautiful, new idea for ourselves, for humanity, and for the world. Your voice, your ears, your heart, and your mind are needed, and this is the perfect time to bring a Greater Truth into our world. Simply register with Linda O’Neill at admin@cslphilly.com

We are so enjoying live streaming to you each Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M. Please invite your friends to experience our virtual Celebration, as Rev. Mike and I join our wonderful Production Crew in our Paoli sanctuary, imagining your presence with us. We all connect to uplift each other in an hour of spiritual wellbeing and inspiration, beginning at 10:30 A.M, with a musical prelude leading us in. We continue our virtual “Hospitality Time,” on Zoom, following our morning Celebration. Details are given during the morning program. Loving thanks to our Producer, Jeff Masino, projectionist, Edie Janik, and moderator, Tina Richards, with our Operations Manager, Linda O’Neill, always behind the scenes. This week’s topic for Sunday is, “Roll Up Our Metaphysical Sleeves!”

You can find our “Love Notes” on Facebook and You Tube, and they are archived on our website www.cslphilly.org Rev. Mike and I enjoy alternating Monday through Saturday, filming from our living room, often with the participation of our pup, Yoga. Our Practitioners continue to be available to you for prayer support and inspiration, and you may find them listed on our website, as well.

“See you” Thursday!

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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