June 27, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

It is wonderful to appreciate the many freedoms we enjoy, never losing sight of the Source which provides them and each individual consciousness that invites these beautiful experiences to occur in our lives. We do not take for granted our ability to move about the planet freely nor our great gift to choose the highest and most life-affirming thoughts and feelings. It is our inner beliefs that create our reality, so we are wise enough to maintain an ever-expanding consciousness of peaceful, powerful, productive mental equivalents.

Our teaching invites us to relinquish any and all limiting beliefs and enter into a whole, new world of possibilities. It also encourages us to include all people in our desire for joyous life experiences, as well as peace, harmony, and prosperity for everyone. As we remember that we are at liberty to make these wholesome choices for ourselves and others, we align ourselves more closely with the Divine Intention for Its creation to prosper and thrive in this wonderful Life experience. Let’s keep choosing well!

Join us on livestream this Sunday from the Inspiration Café in Paoli. Our theme for the month of July is, “Freedom” and I’ll be speaking about, “Liberty AND Life.” We begin at 10:30 A.M. and can be found by going to our website, www.cslphilly.org and pressing the orange “Watch” button. These Celebrations are archived on the website and can be viewed at another time, as well. Do scroll through and see valuable information and interesting events you may enjoy.

Our “God Squad” is available to work with you on any life challenges you may be facing and can be reached on the Practitioner Page on our website. Whomever you select will be happy to schedule an appointment, either in person or on the phone, to assist you in deepening your connection to Spirit and lifting your consciousness to greater Good.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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