June 4, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

There are quite a number of bright, clever, wise, funny nonagenarians that I know and love. Each of them is a delight to be with, and all of them are spiritually and mentally alive. Most are physically active, still exercising, driving, taking care of daily tasks, and even dancing! You see, the Intelligence in this Universe resides within us all, and we are each happily responsible to create our lives wonderfully, as we use It with Love and Wisdom.

These are the people who understand how the Universal Life Force works, and they do not inhibit Its flow through them with limiting beliefs or negative notions about imaginary restrictions. Yes, imaginary restrictions! It is our creative imaginations that produce our life experiences, so we are wise to use this creative power constructively, never allowing any emotional or mental block to become a barrier to our divinely-designed expression of life.

Once we truly understand that the Universal Creative Process operates through us as our individual creative process, we realize that there is a Power and a Presence at work within us all, a beautiful, blessed Divine Activity that never ceases to keep us alive, healthy, happy, and strong. Let’s turn often to that Source of the generation and production of our wonderful lives. Happy 94th birthday to my dear cousin, June!

Please join us IN PERSON at the Inspiration Café in Paoli, PA. this Sunday, June 9th at 10:30 A.M., as we continue our June theme, “We Co-Create,” and I’ll be speaking on “The Creative Power in the Individual.” Register on line to be assured of a seat, or you may participate virtually by going to www.CSLPhilly.org and clicking on the orange “Watch Now” button.

Our Licensed Professional Practitioners are standing by to support you, as you may experience temporary challenges in any area of your life, sharing spiritual tools to lift you into the Truth that is always beyond the appearance. Contact any of them through the Practitioner Page on our website.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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